Chapter 29- A House Is Not A Home

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1 week later....
Kurt's POV:

I've made my decision. I think it's better for me to do what's best for me. I'm listening to my conscious, and I'm choosing the right path. It makes me upset because, maybe it isn't the right decision. But, my friends have supported me, and so has Finn. I walk into school, and I'm greeted by a cutie with Brown hair in a blazer.

"Hi, I'm Blaine. Welcome to Dalton Academy!" He says excitedly, and I already feel at home

1 day ago...
Kurt's POV:

"Kurt, you have to talk to me. It's been 6 days!" Finn says, and I just stay silent

"Kurt, c'mon. Your being ridiculous." He says, and still, I stay silent. "Kurt, I have said I'm sorry like a thousand times. Your the one who should be explaining yourself. You didn't even tell me! I had to find out from Mr. Shue!" He exclaims, and I just start walking faster to my room

"Kurt, talk to me!" He yells, and I got so fed up I had to talk

"I have nothing to say to you!" I scream

"Then why are you giving me the silent treatment!?" He yells back, and I just roll my eyes at him

"Kurt, why can't you just forgive me? I said that I was sorry, and I said that I don't regret what I did, because I don't!" He yells, and you guessed it, I was silent. "Kurt! Talk! You know you want to!" He screams at me. He's right. I did want to talk to him. I wanted to yell at him, and slap him right across his face for doing what he did. But, it's better to keep my mouth shut then to say something I'll regret. What Finn doesn't know, is that I've already made my decision. I told my dad yesterday that today would be my last day at McKinley High School.

"Kurt, you can't just not talk to me." He says sternly, and I just look at him and cross my arms. I stay there for about a second or two, and I turn back around to fold my clothes.

"That's enough!" He screams, and grabs my arm and turns me around. "You have been ignoring me for almost a week, and it's getting old!" He screams. "I'm your brother, Kurt! You should be able to talk to me about this stuff!" He screams, and suddenly, my whole 'being silent' plan vanished.

"Ya know what, your right! I should be able to talk to my brother about this!" I screams,and pull my arm out of his grasp. "I should be able to come to you when I feel upset, or useless! Or feel that I can't do anything but run away from my problems and leave all of my friends behind! Why do you think I didn't want many people knowing!? Because it would've hurt them! I'm leaving Finn! Today's my last day!" I scream, and just look at him. He looks at me with a confused look

"What!?" He exclaims. "You made your decision without me!?" He yells

"Yes! Because this isn't your decision! It's mine! You aren't the one that gets bullied everyday for being different! You aren't the one that feels useless everyday because no one ever asks him if he's ok, or if he needs help, or anything! You aren't the one that took a little look at a suicide pamphlet at the beginning of sophomore year, just to have your best friend try to commit suicide a couple months later!" I scream. "God, Finn, don't you think I want to tell you things!? Didn't you think I wanted to tell you about Dalton!? My decision to go!? I haven't even told Rachel, because I know it would've hurt your relationship for her to keep that secret!" I scream

"Your the one who gave me the silent treatment Kurt! You could've talked to me!" He yells back

"You had to learn a lesson since Carole and my dad wouldn't have punished you for your ridiculous behavior! Your the one who announced MY news in front of the whole glee club!" I yell back at him

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