Chapter 33- Unsteady

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3 days later...
Kurt's POV:

I hate Finn. I hate him. At this very moment, I hate Finn Christopher Hudson. How dare he do that to Rachel? What has she ever done to him!? She's my best friend! And whoever hurts her, has to deal with me. I'd take Rachel's side over Finn's any day. Don't get me wrong, I do understand that she is the one who made out with Puck, but it's only because Finn was sending hearts to his ex and was confessing his love to her. I was getting ready for school when I heard a knock at the door. I turn around to see my dad.

"Hey, dad. What's up?" I ask

"Nothing much. I just wanted to come in here to talk to you about something, is all" he says, and I roll my eyes, knowing what he's talking about

"Dad, I'm not talking about this." I say sternly, and go back to packing my backpack

"Kurt, you have to talk to him at some point. You don't go to the same school so you don't even have to see him as much. All you would have to do is talk to him in this house!" He exclaims

"No, dad! I'm not talking to him! And it's not even really because of what he did. It's because of the way he did it. He's selfish, dad. He doesn't think about anyone else but himself. He doesn't even realize that him and Rachel are meant for each other. He doesn't realize that what i do isn't any of his business! He's selfish, rude, inconsiderate, and utterly intolerable!" I exclaim back

"Kurt, he's your brother. He didn't do anything to you. You have to talk to him at some point" he says

"No, I don't" I say

"Well, I'm gonna have Finn drive you to school today" he says, and I quickly turn around

"What!?" I exclaim

"Yep. You won't talk to him, that's fine. But your gonna have to ride with him. Carole's at work and I have to do some things at the shop." He says with an annoyed tone

"Dad, this is ridiculous!" I exclaim. "I can just walk!" I yell again

"This isn't McKinley, Kurt! It isn't right down the road! It's a couple blocks! Finn's driving you, end of conversation." He says,and leaves my doorway. I roll my eyes and sigh very loudly. I finish packing up my things into my backpack and turn to leave my room. I get startled by Finn standing in my doorway

"You ready to go?" He asks, and I just walk right past him, not daring to make eye contact. I had to resist the urge to scream at him. I walk into the kitchen and grab some toast, and then I go outside and stand by Finn's car. He walks outside and rolls his eyes. He opens the car door and I get in, making sure to slam the door a little as I close it. I get my seatbelt on and start to eat my toast. Finn gets in the car and starts up the car

"Ok. Which turn do I take? I'll know from there" he asks, and I still don't speak a word

"Left?" He questions


"Right?" He asks

I nod.

"Ok, then." He says, and starts driving

A few minutes later...

We approach Dalton and I go to get out of the car and notice that Finn locked the doors. He doesn't say anything, and neither do I. We wait there for another few minutes until he says something

"Kurt,this is really getting old" he says annoyed

"I'm gonna be late" I finally say

"Kurt, will ya just talk to me?" He says

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