Volume i - Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

After we set up the tents, Niall and I were sent to get fire wood while Louis and Gemma started to get dinner ready. I volunteered to help Louis with cooking since I'm a pretty good cook, not going to lie, but Gemma insisted she help.

Fine then.

As Niall and I walked a fair way away from the campsite, we came closer and closer to the sounds of the ocean. After a while, we came across a small hill. We climbed over it to reveal a gorgeous clearing. There were trees on either side, but not many in the middle, leaving a perfect gap to see the ocean. From the top of the hill, you could see the small town off to the left and then the deserted beach straight below. It was beautiful.

The first thing I thought was, I should bring Louis here.

"Wow." Niall breathed out, admiring the view. "You should bring Lou here." He said.

Wait what?

I turned and looked at him with a confused expression. "What?" I said.

"Mate, you should bring Louis here. I bet he'd love it." He said again.

I was still confused.

"Why do you think I should bring Lou here?" I asked slowly and cautiously.

"Oh, Lou now is it? I didn't realised you'd started with the pet names." He laughed, but stopped seeing my blank expression.

I was still seriously confused.

"Look," he continued, "I see you downright miserable everyday because you can't have him, so I've decided to help you."

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"You need to be happy. Hell, you deserve to be happy, mate! So I'm gonna help you get your man!" he cheerily said, clapping me on the back.

My face lit up.

"Really?" I asked, looking like a child on Christmas morning.

"Yeah, of course man!" he replied. "Besides, I'll let you in on a secret... Louis' bi."

I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the ground.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"He's bi. He's had a boyfriend before. The person he dated before you're sister was a dude." Niall added, as if it was no big deal.



But I still had a stupid smile plastered across my face.

I'm sorry, I can't help it!

Niall just shrugged.

I'm going to kill him.

But not right now. Now, I am happy. Now, I am basking in the glory that it Louis' newly discovered sexuality.


Niall, upon seeing my state, stated laughing again.

"Now, let's get some wood. You can carry the big pieces to show off your big muscles!" he said.

Yeah sure, Niall. You lazy git.

I laughed it off and we turned to collect some wood on the way back to the campsite, a huge smile on my face the whole way.

Though I still can't see how Niall's so okay about me liking his brother...

That kid, I tell you...

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