Volume iii - Chapter 56

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Harry's POV

“I love you too.”

I smiled to myself, looking down at the food I was making as I felt him standing behind me.

He kissed the back of my head and moved his hands up and down my chest as I flipped the bacon and rested his head on my shoulder to watch.

Last night was so great, I had the best time I’d ever had in my life.

He was really understanding that it was my first time and was gentle and slow and just incredible.

Louis was literally the most incredible boyfriend ever and I had no doubt in my mind that I loved him more than anything.

He made me feel so special and great and loved and beautiful and everything right.

I grabbed the plates and served the food I’d made, forcing Louis to let go of me for two seconds while we moved.

We moved to the table to eat the food, but Louis kept his hand on my thigh as we ate.

“This is so good!” He exclaimed, giving me a light squeeze as he moaned. “Haz! It’s amazing!”

I laughed and shook my head at his random freak out over my cooking.

“Its literally just bacon and eggs.” I replied but he wouldn’t have it.

“Nope, this is awesome!” He said.

“Thanks.” I answered, kissing his cheek before shovelling more eggs in my mouth.

After we were done, we moved to the couch.

“Can we watch a movie?” Louis asked as he fell backwards onto the couch.

“Sure, but I’m kinda cold.” I admitted, standing there awkwardly rubbing my arm in my underwear. “I’m gonna grab a jumper.”

“Okay,” He nodded. “Grab me one?”

“Sure.” I replied before running upstairs and grabbing us both what we wanted.

When I came back down, Louis was going through the DVDs.

“Here,” I said before I threw him a jumper.

He thanked me just as I pulled mine over my head too and looked at him, squatting in his underwear and woolly jumper.

“What are we watching?” I asked him as I jumped onto the couch, crossed my legs and smiled at him, the jumper hanging nearly over my knees.

“You look adorable.” He cooed when he stood up and saw me sitting there. “And we’re watching this.” He added, holding up The Last Song DVD of my sisters.

“Really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “You want to watch that? That’s Gem’s.”

“I know,” He replied with a sassy grin. “We’ve watched it before. And I like it. You can pick the next one.”

I sighed in defeat as he put it in the player and came back to sit with me and watch it.

He sat next to me, draping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close so he leant on the arm of the couch and I leant on him.

After it was finished, we put in another one, deciding to just have a lazy movie day since we had nothing better to do.

“Hey,” Louis turned to me after the second movie was finished. “I want to talk to you about something.”

A Weekend Away // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now