Volume i - Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I just told Louis that I want to be with him and I'm freaking out.

I mean, I do want to be with him, but I didn't want to scare him or anything because the only thing he's ever said is that he likes me. And I don't even know if it's an intense like, or just a passive like. He's never mentioned anything about being together or whatnot, he's just told me about his feelings, which could mean anything really.

And now, judging by his face, I've freaked him out too.

He was staring at me with huge eyes and his mouth was hanging wide open. He wasn't saying anything, he was just staring, shocked.

"I-, um, s-sorry, uh, I'll, yeah, go now," I stuttered out before standing up and heading back to the campsite, staring at the ground as I went.

God! I'm such an idiot! He probably thinks I'm some sort of obsessed weirdo who can't seem to leave him alone. Now he's going to avoid me and we'll probably never speak again and-

"You mean that?" he said in a small voice, stopping me in my tracks and snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turned around slowly keeping my eyes on the ground. Then, I slowly looked up to see Louis standing underneath the tree, the astonished expression still etched in his face.

"I-I, uh," I had no clue what to say and I still couldn't tell whether or not he was happy or grossed out by the whole idea. I looked back down at my feet and awkwardly scratched my neck.

"C'mere," he said, holding his hands out with a small smile on his face.

Maybe he's not so grossed out.

Or maybe he just wants to embarrass me further.


I took a tentative step forwards, still leaving a few feet in between us as I wasn't sure how he'd react. He just let out a small laugh and rolled his eyes, leaving his hands extended.

"Closer," he repeated with his signature crinkly-eyed smile.

God he's so beautiful. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't say no to that smile.

I hesitated, but took another step so we were about two steps away from being pressed up against each other. He was still lightly laughing. Why was he laughing at me?

I knew it. He's going to humiliate me.

"Louis, I-" I began, trying explain and to somehow save my dignity before I completely lost it, but he stopped me.

He grabbed my hands with his tiny, warm ones and rubbed circles with his thumbs on the back of my hands before pulling me closer so there was barely a foot between us.

My breath hitched as he repeated is question. "Do you mean what you said?" he asked, his smile disappearing and his brow furrowing.

"Um, I," I stopped and took a breath, deciding whether to create some extravagant lie or tell him the truth. I closed my eyes and went with the latter. "Yeah, I-I guess I-I do." I said, suddenly finding my shoes very interesting to look at.

"Hey," Louis said, bringing my head back up to meet his eyes with a finger under my chin. He smiled and bit his bottom lip before looking at the ground briefly, composing himself and looking back up.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's okay."

Oh thank God! He doesn't hate me. He doesn't think I'm a creepy stalker.

I let out a deep breath and allowed myself to smile and let out a chuckle.

"Oh, phew, I mean, I thought you were going to hate me and I-"

"I want to be with you too." He interrupted.

I froze again before my eyes widened and a smile spread across my face.

"Y-You do?" I stammered, still trying to comprehend what he'd just said.


My smile got bigger and bigger as his grip on my hands got tighter and he pulled me closer still. Our chests were nearly touching as he whispered.

"Yeah, I do." He said, leaning in so our noses brushed.

I was so ecstatic that I nearly forgot why it was that I couldn't be with him, why it was that I wasn't already jumping up and down and screaming as I ran around the campsite in happiness.

I pulled back and shook my head before letting go of his hands and taking a step back.

"I-I'm sorry," I said as I held my head in my hands. "I-I can't. I-I..." I trailed off and looked up to see Louis still standing there, frowning. "It's just," I continued. "I-I don't know. I c-can't. I-I. I can't trust you."

He let out a deep breath and put on a hardened face as he closed the gap between us with two long strides. Then he reattached our hands and pulled me close as he spoke.

"If you give me the chance, I will spend every hour of every day trying to prove to you that you can trust me, that I won't leave you. I want to be with you and you want to be with me so just do it. Be with me. Please? Just give me the chance to show you that it can be everything you ever wanted. Please, just give me a chance? I-I want you, please?" He begged.

That's what did it. That's what sent me over the edge.

His words.

Then, I did something that I had wanted to do for such a long time. Something I had only dreamed about doing.

I broke our grip of each other's hands and put mine on his cheeks as I pulled his face up to slam my lips on his. He was unresponsive for a moment, but I think it was because he wasn't expecting it, then he started to move against my lips. I pulled his face impossibly closer as I pulled his thin pink lips even firmer against my own, crinkling my eyes as I tried to concentrate. I felt his tongue swipe along my lip, turning my brain to mush as I just let him take over. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I didn't even bother fighting for dominance, besides I liked the feeling of being kissed and taken care of rather than being the one to control the situation. He let go of my other hand to tangle his hand in my hair, lightly pulling on it and eliciting a moan from deep within my throat as our mouths moved sweetly yet ferociously against each other's.

After a while, we slowed down and he smiled and pulled back, resting our foreheads against each other as we tried to regain our breath. Then, he ducked back down for a quick peck and moved his hands from my cheeks to my waist as he chuckled. I moved my hands from his cheeks to wrap my arms around his neck as I kissed him again, quicker and more intense this time.

Once we pulled back again, we were both smiling.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. But we're not together, not yet. You'll have to earn that." I said, looking into his gorgeous blue eyes once more before letting go of him, turning and walking away, the biggest smile I've ever smiled still radiating from my face as I left him under the tree.

When I returned to the campsite, everyone was already in their tents and the fire was burning weakly. I stumbled groggily to Niall and I's tent, still delighted from the moment Louis and I shared in the woods. I was high on life and so ridiculously happy I couldn't walk straight.

Once I was changed and snuggled down in my sleeping bag alongside a passed out Niall, I fell asleep, the smile still ingrained on my face as I fell into the most peaceful sleep I had in a long time.

Thinking of Louis.

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