Volume ii - Chapter 21

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Niall POV

Zayn's really cute.

I really like him.

And I don't really know how it happened. I thought I liked girls but...

Well, I like Zayn and he's not a girl so I guess I'm bi? I don't really know, and I don't really care.

All I care about is that I really like Zayn and I'm happy.

I sighed happily as I bit into my sandwich and looked to the water to see Liam and Gemma coming out, arguing about something.

"Are too,"

"Are not,"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"They are too!" Liam said as he sat down onto the sand, not caring that he was dripping wet and was probably going to be covered in sand sticking to him in a few moments.

"Oh my god, Liam. They are not, now drop it!" Gemma said, giggling as she sat down between me and Liam.

"Who's not what?" Zayn asked, looking up at the two of them after he swallowed. Gemma sighed.

"Harry and Louis. That's who." She said.

"What about Harry and Louis?" I asked, suddenly intrigued once I'd heard by best friend and my brother's names.

"Liam thinks they have a 'thing' going on or something," Gemma said, rolling her eyes at him playfully "Which they don't"

"Gem, they do. It's painfully obvious." Liam retorted, making Gemma gasp backhand his chest lightly.

"Well what do you guys think?" Gemma asked, turning her attention back to us. "C'mon, Niall! You're Harry's best friend and Lou's brother! You've got to know something..." she trailed off, silently asking me to continue.

I put my sandwich down on top of the plastic it was wrapped in, thinking about whether or not to say something. I mean, both of them have been blabbing on about each other to me ever since we got here and I know they've kissed. Multiple times. In front of me.

So I think it's safe to say that I know the most about their relationship.

It was actually really cute and I totally ship them but I wasn't sure if they wanted the others to know yet.

If it was the other way around and Harry was about to tell people about me and Zayn, which he would because he doesn't know, but that's besides the point. Anyway, If it were the other way around, I wouldn't want them to be telling other people for me. I would want to explain myself.

"I, um," I started.

"C'mon Niall! Please?" Gemma begged. "I just want to know."

I huffed and looked to Zayn, who nodded, so I took that as a sign to talk.

"Fine. They like each other, like a lot. And they've been spending a lot of time together, like alone." I started but was interrupted.

"Yeah, we know that!" Gemma exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think that part is pretty obvious."

"Well, yeah. That's all i know." I lied, shifting my weight side to side uncomfortably. "That's all they've said to me. As far as I know, neither of them has actually acted on their feelings so... yeah."

I looked to Zayn for some comfort, who seemed to sense my distress, so he slipped an arm around my waist and pulled my close, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. I felt him lightly kiss my hair, sending shivers down my spine.

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