Volume i - Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

After a few hours of wandering aimlessly around the woods, I found myself back at the clearing on the hill.

It's like I keep getting pulled back there.

As I sat on the small grassy area, I thought about everything that had happened over the past two days.

Louis told me he thought I was cute on the first night.

Then, he had sex with Gemma.

Louis told me it was because he likes me.

Then, he has full-blown snogging sessions with Gemma.

Louis told me never to forget how he feels about me.

Then, he tells Gemma he loves her and acts all cute and coupley with her.

Louis tried to convince me again, that he really does like me.

I punched him in the face.

I do feel bad for hurting him. I didn't mean for it to get so out of hand that I would resort to violence, I'm not that kind of person, but Louis drives me crazy!

He makes me want to tear my hair out, but at the same time I just want to kiss him until my head spins. He confuses me so much but I still find myself drawn to him, hanging on every word he says.

Maybe that's not such a good idea.

This morning, on this very hill, when he told me that the only reason he slept with my sister was to try and get rid of his feelings for me, I was too busy trying to comprehend the fact that he had feelings for me that I completely overlooked what else he had said.

He only slept with Gemma, because of me.

Meaning, he doesn't really like my sister and he was using her to get over me. Which also means that he didn't want to have those feelings for me, so he tried to get rid of them.

What a jerk! Who does that?

Not only is he leading my sister on, which I would kick his ass for, but he doesn't want to like me.

All this time, I was too busy wrapped in my own little fantasy world of idolising Louis, that I never realised who is actually is.

The kind of person that I never believed he was, he is.


I want to kiss him and hold him and just be with him, but he doesn't want that with me. He doesn't want that with anyone, not even my sister who he has been with for a whole year.

He's a liar.

He's a player.

He's leading Gemma on.

He's leading me on.

But I still have so many feelings running through my head. I can't stop thinking about him. He's so caring and beautiful and he takes a genuine interest in me when we're alone. He's perfect when no one else is around, so why is he such a dick when other people are brought into the equation?


All of a sudden, I found myself getting angry, so much so that I didn't hear Niall enter the clearing.

"Hey bud," he said, walking over to me and gesturing to the ground beside me. "Can I sit?"

I simply nodded, brimming with anger and too emotional to speak.

He sat down next to me, put an arm around my shoulders and rubbed my back. I tensed and had to bite my lip to keep from screaming at him. I know it's not his fault, but I was fuming and I couldn't control it.

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