Volume i - Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

Oh. My. God. I was frozen.

He knows!


I cautiously looked up from the last dish I was drying, my eyes wide, and saw his perfect smile. His eyes were twinkling back under the starlight as he looked at me. God, he's beautiful.

I think I looked like one of those Lemur things... I don't really know. (A/N picture on the side)

But whatever it was, it was most certainly not attractive.

He looked away, dried his hands and laughed lightly. Then, he looked back up at me.

"Its okay, Harry." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I think you're kinda cute too."

I'm sorry, what?

What. WHAT?

"I-I" I stammered, not knowing what to say.



"Harry, relax." He said, letting another chuckle escape his lips. Then, he leaned forward, keeping his hand on my shoulder and bringing the other one around to rest on my waist.

It felt so right.

As his lips neared mine, I started freaking out, but he turned his head at the last minute and whispered in my ear.

"I won't tell, if you won't." He said seductively, leaning back and removing his hands from my body.

DAMN IT! He was so warm. I didn't want him to leave!

He smiled even wider, blushed slightly and walked away, back to where the others were sitting. He immediately sat next to Gemma, who climbed into his lap, and started playing with her hair while lovingly kissing her head.

What. Just. Happened.

A million thoughts were running through my head. Does he like me? Or was he just saying that to make me feel better? Holy shit, how does he know? Why the fuck does he think I'm cute? Has he seen me? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

And why the hell did he go over and act so lovey-dovey towards Gemma for? If he knows how I feel, then why would he rub it in my face? Or maybe, he feels guilty for what he said to me because of Gemma? And now he's trying to cover it up, to save her feelings? That would make sense...

But let's be honest here. Nothing in my life could ever go my way. So that probably wasn't the case.

I stood there stunned for quite a while, until I noticed Niall get up and walk over to me. He looked kinda pissed off.

"Hey, man. What happened?" he asked, his expression changing to one of concern.

He must have seen what just happened between Louis and I.

"You look like you're in shock, mate."

I slowly drew myself out of my trance and looked at him. Then I explained what happened.

"Louis told me that he knows about my crush, and that he thinks that I'm cute too." I let my voice and higher and more excited as I went on.

"Seriously?" he asked, with a smile, clapping me on the back. "That's great, man!"

"Yeah," I replied. Then a thought hit me, wiping the smile from my face. "But I think he only meant it in a 'you're-kinda-cute-like-a-little-brother' way. Not a 'I-really-wanna-fuck-you' kinda way." I looked down at the ground.

"Okay. One; gross. This is my brother we're talking about here. And two; you never know man! He could mean it in that..." he gulped "'other', way. But please, never say that again. I really don't want to picture my brother doing that."

I looked back up at him and laughed lightly. "Okay, okay, man. I'm sorry!" I said. Niall could always say something to cheer me up.

"Alright, you okay now? Can we go back?" he asked, looking at me like I might break. Like I'm some delicate piece of china.

I'm not a fucking child Niall!

"Yeah, man. I'm all good." I said, rolling my eyes and walking back over to where Louis and my sister were sitting.

They were snogging. Like, the full-on, choking-on-each-other's-tongues, kind of snogging.


It was like adding fuel to the fire.

I froze briefly when I saw it, but then kept walking over to my chair. When I took my place next to Niall by the fire, I cleared my throat, making them stop and look at me.

"Oh, sorry Haz!" Gemma said with a giggle as she pulled away.

God, I hate giggles.

Louis still had his arms wrapped around her, but looked embarrassed, whereas she looked proud. He turned red and his smile disappeared as she nuzzled her head underneath his chin. He looked almost... uncomfortable? I don't think I've ever seen him like this around Gem before.


"That's okay, Gem" I replied in a sickly sweet voice with a sarcastic smile, avoiding Louis' gaze.

"I-I think I'm, uh, just g-gonna head to, uh, sleep. G'night." I quickly announced as I got up and left the warmth of the fire.

I was so confused! For the second time that day!

First, Louis was acting all shy towards me and telling me that he thinks I'm cute, then, he immediately starts making-out with my sister.


I guess I know the answers to my questions now.

I mean nothing to him.


Soon after I got changed and snuggled into my sleeping bag, Niall came into our tent.

"You okay, bro?" he asked, quickly getting changed and climbing into his sleeping bag next to me.

"Fine." I answered stiffly, causing a long silence

"Louis was worried about you." Niall said after a while, in a small voice, careful not to let the others hear.


"Yeah sure, Niall" I said. "Goodnight."

Which, of course, really meant; please shut the hell up Niall and drop it.

He didn't catch on.

"Harry, please. He really does care." Niall tried convincing me.

It was no use. I was in that place again. Where I get really sad.

"Niall, he's dating my sister. C'mon! I need to just move on already..." I said, trying to make him leave it alone.

"Harry," he replied, warningly. He sighed when I didn't reply.

"It'll all be okay. You'll see."

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