Volume iii - Chapter 45

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Harry's POV

"What just happened?"

Louis was the first to speak.

We all looked at each other with confused expressions as we tried to process her reaction.

She was okay.

Totally okay.

And it was weird.

"I guess she's okay." Gemma offered.

"H-How? Why?" Louis asked, exasperated.

I didn't understand how she could be so cool about it, either.

I mean, I punched Louis in the face when I realised he'd hurt Gem.

Mum just found out that he dumped her for her brother, and she was okay.

I shook my head, trying to shake my thoughts away.

If she was fine, I was fine. I wasn't going to make her angry about it, I was quite happy that she was happy.

"Never mind why. She happy, so we're all happy." I said, turning to peck him lightly so he would shut up.

He hummed against my lips.

"Yeah, I'm happy." He said with a grin after he pulled back.

"Ugh. Stop!" Gemma whined. "You're making me miss Liam!"

"You're at least going back to London tomorrow, Gem." Niall reminded her with a pout. "I have to stay here. Who knows when I'll next get to see Zayn..."

"Aww," Gemma cooed. "It's okay, Ni."

"At least you have my Xbox." I reminded him.

At that he smiled.

Over lunch, everyone was happy and chatty, including mum, so I guess that's good.

After everyone had settled down, mum announced she was going to call Robin and explain everything so that it wouldn't be such a shock when he got home, leaving us all in the lounge room.

We decided to put a movie on to relax before Louis and Gemma went back to London later that night.

"Can we watch Monsters Inc?" Niall asked as he sat in front of the TV, sorting through the DVDs.

"No," Louis stated. "You always make me watch that whenever I'm home."

Niall pouted and went back to the collection to find something else.

"Ooo!" Gemma exclaimed. "I think we have Tangled in there somewhere. Can we watch that?"

"Yes!" I joined in. "I love that movie!"

"No!" Niall retorted. "Cause you'll both sing along and-"

"Then I definitely want to watch it! I wanna see this Styles sing along!" Louis interrupted him with a laugh.

Niall huffed but gave in. He found the disk, put it in the player and came to sit back on the couches.

Louis and I shared one and Gemma and Niall shared the other.

I was stretched out so I was lying down, completely covering Louis from head to toe as he lay under me on the couch.

His arms were securely holding me against his body, so I couldn't move, even if I wanted to and I had mine crossed over his chest so I could rest my head on them.

"I'm gonna get food." Niall announced before getting up and leaving the room.

About 5 minutes into it, he was back with a bag of crisps, a bag of lollies, two bottles of Solo and 4 cups.

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