Volume iii - Chapter 47

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Harry's POV

I rolled over in bed and felt the brisk, morning light hit my face. I squinted a little before stretching and opening my eyes.

I rubbed them and looked at my clock.

It was 6:55, my alarm would go off in 5 minutes anyway so I turned it off before it could make a sound.

I yawned and picked up my phone, checking if there were any messages.

There was one and it was from Louis.

Good morning beautiful.

Have a great day at school.

I love you and I miss you xo

I sighed, unable to tell if I wanted to smile or cry.

It had been two weeks since I'd last seen Louis in person and I wasn't coping well. I was sad a lot of the time, the only thing being able to cheer me up was a text from him or Niall.

I felt a few small tears fall from my eye and wiped them away.

Good morning to you too, boo.

I'll try, but I miss you too much

I love you xx

I pressed send and put my phone back on the table.

I squeezed my eyes closed and tried not to think about it.

I know Niall wasn't as bad as I am, because I'd been with him every day. He was coping just fine without Zayn but somehow, all I could think about was Louis.

And as an added bonus, school was staring back today and I didn't know what to do.

The first day of term was always weird, people jumping up and down with their friends and squealing about how they 'hadn't seen each other for so long.'

It was just Niall and I at school and we saw each other every day, we didn't have any other friends so we usually sat under our tree and watched everyone freak out.

It was very entertaining and every other term, I had been excited to go back to school, but this time, I wasn't really in the mood.

Everyone at school was going to see me being all down and ask me what was wrong and I didn't want that.

It would only make me more upset.

I looked over at my clock and saw that it was past 7. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my clothes from my chair and headed down the hallway for a shower.

As the warm water rushed over my body, I tried to think more positively.

Louis calls and texts me every day. He cares about me.

I have a boyfriend who loves me, so I guess I'm luckier than most.

Once I was done, I fixed my hair in the mirror and went back to my room. I put my school books in my bag and picked up my phone.

There was another message from Louis.

Boo? Thats a new one...

I like it :)

I smiled to myself and typed a reply.

Then boo you shall be :)

I have to go to school now,

I'll talk to you later

Love you xx

I put my phone in my pocket and slung my bag over my shoulder. Then, I shut by bedroom door and went down stairs for breakfast.

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