Volume iii - Chapter 51

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btw, I changed all the Volume and Chapter numbers around, there's now 3 volumes cause it split better that way :)

read on <3


Louis' POV

I kissed Harry full on the lips to cheer him up.

He seemed really upset about the whole thing and as much as I loved him, this situation wasn't fair to him.

All his attention was elsewhere and he couldn't concentrate on the most important exams of his schooling because he was worrying about us.

I sighed and pulled him close as we cuddled on the couch.

"Don't leave." Harry asked me.

"I have to. I have class." I replied sadly and he nodded.

"I know, I just thought I'd try one more time." He smiled sadly and pecked my lips.

I hummed against them and smiled back and for a second, it was bliss.

Then we heard the front door slam shut.


Anne's voice rang throughout the house, making us spring apart.

Even though she knew we were together, we didn't want to rub it in her face so early on, so we decided it'd be best not to kiss in front of her for a bit.

"Hey mum." Harry replied, looking to the doorway as she appeared in it.

He got up and hugged her as she replied with a greeting and a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, hi Louis." She turned to me with a surprised grin as Harry sat back down beside me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just here for a visit." I replied with a smile. "To see my boy." I added, squeezing Harry's hand and making Anne coo.

"That's sweet." She said. "Do you have any plans while you're here? I'm sure your mum would love to see you."

"Yeah," Louis replied with a smile. "I'm going to see her tomorrow."

She nodded before moving into the kitchen to put her stuff down.

"You're not going tonight?" Harry asked, turning to look at me.

"Nah, I'm already busy tonight." I replied with a smile.

Harry's smile dropped as he looked confused and a little disappointed.

"What are you doing tonight?" Harry asked timidly, pulling away from me a little bit.

"Well," I replied with a grin. "I'm taking out this guy. He's really great. He's fun and absolutely gorgeous. I'm sure you'd like him."

Harry's smile had completely disappeared by the time I was finished and he had pulled away from me completely as I teased him.

"What?" He whispered.

"You silly!" I exclaimed with a grin. "I'm talking about you."

Harry's face turned red and he smiled as he looked down into his lap sheepishly. "Oh," he said.

"Did you think I was going out with someone else?" I asked. "Oh Harry." I nearly laughed as I leant forward to kiss his cheek. "I love you. I could never go out with anyone else when I have you."

Harry smiled even wider at that and it made my heart melt, it was adorable.

"So, Harry Styles, will you go out on a date with me?" I asked, holding both his hands.

"Yes, Louis Tomlinson. I will." He replied with a giggle before coming closer and kissing me.

"Good." I replied after he broke apart. "Because I have plans, brilliant, exciting plans."

Harry smiled and was about to reply when his mum called for him.

"Coming!" Harry chirped, standing up and straightening his school shirt before moving into the next room to talk to his mum.

I stayed on the couch, not wanting to interrupt. I heard muffled speech and a few sentences here and there, but not enough to make out what they were saying.

Eventually, Harry came back into the room with a huge smile.

"Guess what?" He said excitedly as he jumped onto the couch beside me.

"What?" I replied.

"Mum's going to London with Dad this weekend." Harry answered, his eyes sparkling. "She just came back to pack and then she's driving down to meet him. They're not coming back till Sunday afternoon."

I smiled back as he squealed and wrapped his arms around my neck for a hug.

"You can stay here with me!" Harry exclaimed.

I winked at him and he giggled again, blushing as he hid in my shoulder.

He was just the cutest!

We stayed on the couch for a little while until Anne left at around 5pm.

I kissed the top of his head affectionately before standing up.

"I'm gonna go home, see Niall and mum quickly and change and I'll pick you up at 7?" I asked.

"Coming to pick me up? How very debonair of you, Lou." Harry laughed as he got up and walked me to the door.

"I'll see you soon! Wear something cute, okay? I have wonderful things planned for tonight." I whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek and walking to the car while Harry waved from the front porch.

I drove to my childhood home with a grin plastered across my face the whole way.

To say I was excited for tonight was an understatement.


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well... that was short.


... in other news, my show opens in 16 days and I'm fucked. HA.

stay tuned for an exceptionally cute larry date

until next time, peace nd pout homies <3

~ Vic xo

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