Volume iii - Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

I rolled over in bed and slowly stretched my arms out.

I made a weird squeaky noise as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. eventually, I opened them to reveal a thin stream of light coming through my curtains.

I could hear birds chirping and everything seemed so peaceful, I almost forgot about everything.


I sighed and looked at my clock, it was 10:30am.

Louis would be over soon so we could break the news to our parents about us dating.

Oh god. We were going to tell them.

I was so nervous, it took everything in me not to roll over and go back to sleep.

There was a knock at my door.

"Harry," my mum called. "Louis and Niall are coming over. They'll be here soon. You need to get up."

"Mmhmm. Yeah mum." I mumbled as I wiped my face and took one more deep breath before rolling out of bed.

I ran a hand through my hair and walked across the room to grab some clothes.

Once I had picked them out and put them on, I realised I hadn't checked my phone yet.

I moved back over to my bed and started throwing my bed covers around trying to find it.

Once I did, I threw myself on my bed so I was laying on my back, holding my phone over my face as I read.

I saw 1 new message from Louis.

I frowned. I didn't remember putting his number in my phone and on closer inspection at the name, I realised I hadn't.

Lou the cutest <3

Yep, Louis definitely put the number in himself.

I chuckled at his name and opened the message.

Ni and I are leaving in a sec. I'll be there soon. And don't stress, it will all be okay. I love you xo

I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. He knew me so well.

Just as another knock sounded on my door, I noticed the time on the message.

"I'll be out in a minute, mum." I called out, assuming it was her again.

The bottom corner of the message read 10 minutes ago.

"If you want me to wait outside I can but I thought you'd-"

"Lou!" I interrupted the idiot in my doorway and ran up to him.

I flew from my bed into his arms as he chuckled.

"I literally saw you last night." He said into my hair as I buried my head in his neck, clinging to him like he was my lifeline.

Which he was.

His arms around me felt like ecstasy. It had only been one night but it felt like forever when I had been used to being around him 24/7.

I pulled away from the hug and pouted at him.

"Well then." I sighed dramatically. "You didn't mean that much to me anyway."

I was lying through my teeth, but oh well, I liked being dramatic.

I turned on my heel and went back into my room, only to be tackled onto my bed by Louis.

I squealed as he laughed into my back as we lied face down on my bad.

"Lou!" I squirmed.

"I thought I was your one and only." Louis whined as we wrestled around in fits of laughter.

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