Volume ii - Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

I stretched my arms above my head and yawned as I rolled over in my sleeping bag.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed my tent was light, letting me know that it was morning.

I tried to go back to sleep, but it wouldn't come, so I reluctantly got out of my sleeping bag, got dressed and ran a hand through my hair before pulling open the tent flap and crawling outside.

The light was really bright on my sleepy eyes so I put a hand up to shield them as I stretched myself up to my full height.

I took a deep breath and yawned before heading over to the firepit.

But someone was already there.


He was slumped down in the chair, almost invisible hidden in Zayn's hoodie. He looked really tired like he hadn't had much sleep.

I slowly approached, keeping my eyes on him as I walked. I was apprehensive as to how he would react seeing as how we left things the last time we talked.


"Harry, please. Don't put yourself through this." He warned.

"What?" I asked, hearing him for the first time.

"You either want him or you don't. But you can't keep playing with him like this." He continued, earning a confused expression from me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, hoping that the whole playing dumb front would work. It didn't.

Niall rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. "Harry, Louis told us what happened between you two. He's just confused-"

"He's just an ass, that's what." I interrupted with a scoff, mimicking him.

"Harry," Niall tried reasoning with me but I didn't want to hear it. "Harry, c'mon."

"C'mon what? Niall, he doesn't like me. He's playing with me, not the other way around." I retorted.

"Harry, I swear to god, please, let go of this ridiculous notion that he doesn't care." Niall said, adding a touch of venom to his voice "He has shown you time and time again that he does."

He was clearly getting fed up now.

"Niall, he may have shown you, but to me, he's still the conceited bastard that leads me on and disappoints me yet again." I replied with a sarcastic smile before turning away from him and lying down, ignoring him.

"Fine." Niall growled, standing up "Be like that. I swear, Harry, you need to grow up and realise what's actually going on around you and stop making up shit in the stupid version of reality that you insist on living in! You're so stubborn! God!"


"Hi," I began, trying to break the silence as I sat down in the chair next to him smiling.

He looked at me with a straight face and then looked back to the empty firepit.

"Hey," he replied, sounding pretty fed up.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

"How'd you sleep?" I tried to start a conversation but he got up with a huff.

"I'm going to get some fire wood." He announced, not even looking at me as he picked up big tub we used to carry the wood in and began to make his way into the woods.

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