Volume iii - Chapter 43

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Harry's POV

"Harry. Harry! Wake up, sweetie."

Someone was shaking my shoulder. I frowned and shrugged them off, pulling the blanket up under my chin.

"C'mon Harry."

The voice was persistent.

I groaned and rolled over. Well, tried to roll over.

I was on a chair. Why was I on a chair?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a car and it was dark.

Why was I in a car?

Niall was asleep next to me, leaning on the window with his legs on my lap.

"We're home, babe."

I turned around to see Louis at the car door, his hands on my shoulders and a smile plastered across his face.

Oh, right. I remember now.

I fell asleep on the way home from our camping trip.

"Hey, do you want me to carry you?" He asked as he pulled the blanket away from me. It was then I realised it wasn't a blanket, but my jacket I had used as a cover.

I shivered as he took it away and rubbed my arms.

"C'mon," He coaxed, holding the jacket away and taunting me with it.

"Do I have to?" I moaned as I gave him my best puppy eyes. He laughed and leaned in to kiss me.

"Yeah, babe." He replied, leaning back and opening his arms for me.

I frowned and climbed out of the car, going straight into his arms. He held me up as he chuckled and wrapped my jacket around my shoulders.

I smiled and hummed against his chest at the warmth and the feeling of his arms around me.

"Let's go." He said as his hands slid down to my thighs. I jumped up and buried my head in his neck as I closed my eyes and he carried me up to the front porch.

Once I felt him stop walking, I heard Gem clear her throat. I opened my eyes to see her staring at me.

"You need to get down." She whispered harshly.

"Why?" I asked groggily as I looked around. Gem's bags were by the door, along with mine in a neat pile. They must have moved them before Louis came to get me from the car.

"Mum and Robin know nothing." She hissed. "According to them, we're still dating." She gestured to Louis.

I gulped and nodded as Louis put me down.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He told me, his hands still on my cheeks. "I'll come over and we'll tell them, together."

I took a deep breath. "I'm scared," I admitted.

"Don't be," He reassured me, stroking my cheeks. "It will all be okay. I love you."

I smiled and leaned up to peck his lips. "I love you too." I told him.

Gemma groaned and knocked on the door, signalling that our time was up.

He gave me one last smile and a tight hug before he turned and walked away back to the car.

I heard the front door open, but I didn't turn around until I watched the car disappear down the street.


I turned around to see my mum standing in the doorway, her arms open wide. I smile and walked straight into them, embracing her tight.

"Mum," I breathed.

Over her shoulder, I saw Gemma going upstairs with her stuff in her hands.

"Where's Robin?" I asked, inquiring about my stepdad.

"Asleep," She told me. "He has an early shift tomorrow morning."

I smiled and nodded before pulling her into another hug. "I missed you so much." I told her.

So what.

I'm a mumma's boy, deal with it.

"I missed you too! So, how was it?" Mum asked as she pulled back and held me by the shoulders. "Not too bad with Gemma and Louis, I hope. Well, at least you had Niall."

I sighed and smiled at her before picking up my bags and going inside. I dumped them by the door and turned to her.

There was so much to explain and I was so tired. Besides, I didn't want to tell her anything without Louis by my side.

He would come over tomorrow and we would tell her then, but for now, it was bedtime.

"It was great," I told her. "But I'm really tired. What time is it?"

"It's 8, dear." She told me.

"I'm gonna head to bed." I told her before kissing her cheek and picking up my bags before heading upstairs.

I opened my door and walked into my room. I sighed looking around. It was good to be home.

I quickly changed and fell into bed.

I pulled my blankets up and nestled my head into my pillow, inhaling the smell. I'd missed the comforting feeling it gave me.

I closed my eyes, my last thoughts of Louis and what would come tomorrow.

There was so much for me to be nervous about and I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach.

My parents had no idea that Louis and I were together. And we were going to have to try this long distance thing because we live 3 hours away.

They say distance can make love stronger, but I don't know how much I can stretch before I break.

It was a lot to think about.

I was so glad I had the familiarity of my home to comfort me because I needed it.

Tomorrow was going to be hard.

I felt sleep overcome me as my memories of Louis and last week gave me sweet dreams.


i know its short, but its the first chapter so deal with it pls :)

But please enjoy!

~ Vic xo

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