Volume ii - Chapter 41

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Louis' POV

My eyes fluttered open to see the bright morning light flooding in through the thin tent walls. I immediately felt warmth on my side and smiled.

I looked down to see Harry draped halfway across my chest. He was cuddled up into my side, still asleep.

After he fell asleep on me last night, the boys and I talked for a while before I carried him to the tent. It was cold so I didn't bother taking off any clothes, I just undid the sleeping bag so it was like a blanket and tucked us in.

I felt him move a little, but he didn't wake up. I smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head before putting one hand behind my head and the other around Harry as I thought.

We were leaving today, and I wanted to do it before we left. It was important to me and I was sure it was important to Harry. I wanted it to be special and in a place like this with a beautiful view, it was a perfect opportunity.

I was going to officially ask Harry to be my boyfriend.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I thought about it. I've never been particularly eloquent and I was sure I would fuck something up like I usually did.

I wanted to say the right things, so I began rehearsing in my head.

10 minutes later I had gotten nowhere and Harry began to stir. He rolled away slightly and rubbed his eyes before opening them and looking around as he leant up on his elbows.

"Wha?" He asked, looking confused before his eyes fell on me.

I smiled cheesily back at him. I hoped it was okay that we were like that.

I wasn't sure whether or not he was okay with us sleeping in the same bed. I could have easily taken Niall's mattress but I decided to just hop in with him.

Then I realised that he'd never said that it was okay for us to share, and I panicked a little. Maybe when he said I could stay in the tent with him, he meant on separate mattresses. Maybe he wasn't okay with this at all.

Maybe I had pushed his boundaries and he was not at all okay with being in bed with me.

"You fell asleep on me by the fire so I brought you in here when the rest of us went to sleep." I explained but he soon stopped me.

"Shh," He put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. His eyes were still squinty and his voice was low and gravely, he clearly hadn't entirely woken up yet.

"Too loud." He commented before leaning back down and cuddling with me again.

I let out a sigh of relief. He seemed to be okay with it. Thank god.

I kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back as he slowly woke up and adjusted his eyes to the light.

He moved around a little, stretching before he let out a yawn and a loud breath and looked up at me, much more awake.

"Morning," I said quietly as he moved out of my arm and scooted up so his head was sharing the pillow with me and we were face to face.

"Morning," He hummed with a huge grin, moving closer to me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him close against me before I pecked his nose.

"We're going home today," he whispered, his smile slowly fading.

"Yeah," I replied. I was excited to see my family again. Even though it had only been a week, it felt like forever and I missed them.

"What's wrong," I asked seeing his face.

"It's just," he started, looking away from me. "What about when we get home? I don't know what's gonna happen and..." he paused. "I'm scared." He admitted in a small voice.

A Weekend Away // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now