Volume i - Chapter 7

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Gemma's POV

I don't know what to do.

I knew something was up with Louis. I mean, he's been acting weird around Harry this entire trip and that's not normal for him. Or is it?

I don't really know. I guess I never paid attention to the way they acted around each other before. It never seemed important.

But I got the feeling that something was going on between them.

I watched Harry as we ate breakfast, looking out for anything different about him. He seemed upset and after our little talk just now...

Let's just say something is definitely going on.

I've seen him cry before, I know what it looks like. Don't you try any of that 'smoke-in-my-eyes' crap on me, Harry.

I even tried to start a normal conversation, like we usually did over breakfast when we were at home but he kept shutting me out. He looked so distressed. I just want to help...

I heard some leaves rustling and looked up to see Louis and Niall coming back from their little 'talk'. They were walking quickly, directly towards Harry and both of them seemed intent on talking to him.

Okay, what the hell is going on.

"Harry, we need to talk." Niall said as soon as he was close enough for us to hear. Louis' expression changed from determined to outright pissed off. Way to hide it from your girlfriend... Whatever it is, anyway.

Harry looked up at him with a frightened frown, then looked to Louis.

"No, Harry. Please, I have to talk to you." Louis interjected. Harry's frown deepened as he looked between them, as if trying to decide which one of them would hurt him first.

I am so confused it's not even funny.

He was getting worked up, now. I could see tears forming in his wide, scared eyes as he stood up and started shaking his head.

"N-No." He stammered "I don't want to talk. To either of you."

Then, he ran from the campsite.

Oh great. Now I'm going to have to explain to mum that Harry ran away and we can't find him.

If there's one thing I know about my brother, it's that if he doesn't want to be found, then he won't be.

I needed to stop him before he got too far away.

I stood up with a sigh and started in the direction he ran, only, Louis stopped me.

He held out an arm across my stomach and looked into my eyes.

"Gem, please, you don't want to do that. Let me." He said with a sad look.

And why the hell is that?

"Lou, wha-" I started, attempting to get an answer. He pulled me close and enveloped me in a tight hug, effectively cutting me off.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear before releasing me, turning and running off after Harry.

For what? What is going on?

I thought about yelling something after him, but I didn't know what to say. Hell, I have no idea what to say anymore.

I sulkily sat back down in my chair, thinking about what the hell I was going to do as I looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry." Niall said as he sat down next to me.

"Why does everyone keep saying that," i said under my breath.

"Hmm?" Niall asked.

"I said, why?" I repeated with a slightly annoyed tone, looking up

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