Volume iii - Chapter 46

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Louis' POV

The moment the car door closed, I tried to fight back tears. I put the keys in the ignition and looked over at Gemma as she climbed in the passenger seat and gave me a reassuring smile.

I knew she was happy and excited to see Liam, so it meant a lot to me that she was trying to be understanding about me leaving Harry.

As I looked out the window to see him one last time, I couldn't help myself. I wound down the window and blew him a kiss. Just as I turned to back out of the driveway, I felt two hands on my cheeks.

I turned around to see Harry cupping my face, tears in his eyes as he gave me a sad smile.

I sighed and reached out to him, grabbing his neck and pulling him down to meet my lips.

It was short and sweet, but it was a lasting memory he could provide me with until I got to see him again.

"Text me when you get there." He asked me, resting our foreheads together.

"I will." I promised before he nodded and stood back.

I gave him one last smile before reversing out of the driveway and driving down the street, away from my Harry until God knows when.

It hurt me so bad to leave him standing there, not knowing the next time I would get to hold him, or kiss him or tell him I love him.

God, I love him.

"Hey," Gemma said, putting her hand over mine where it was resting on the gear stick. "Its going to be okay, promise."

I just gave her a smile, keeping my eyes on the road and not trusting my voice to reply with words.

The drive back was just like that; Gemma trying to reassure me or make me feel better. She played music that we both sang along to and we stopped for McDonalds about halfway back.

When we pulled into the carpark of her apartment block, I had an idea.

"Do you want to come over a bit and just, like, hang out?" I offered.

Being alone was not what I needed or wanted at the minute. I needed to be with my friends and occupy my mind, otherwise I would just mope around and get lost in my own thoughts.

"Yeah, of course." She replied. "I have to meet Becca in an hour or so, but I'm sure I can spare some time for you," She joked, nudging my arm.

I laughed and helped her drop her bags up in her apartment before we returned to the car and drove to my place.

It was close by, so we were there within 5 minutes. I could remember countless times walking to her place in the past year.

We were happy together and no matter what happens, we will always be friends. She is an incredibly understanding person, and managed to put up with my shit for an entire year, so yeah, I owe her.

Plus, I love her to bits.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and dumped all my bags on my bed in my room.

I sat on down and quickly texted Harry before going back out to the lounge room where Gemma was sitting.

Hey sweetie, I'm back in London.

I miss you <3 and I love you xo

"Do you want a drink?" I called over my shoulder as I walked into the kitchen.

"Sure, just water's fine!" She replied.

I got her drink, periodically checking my phone for a reply from Harry before returning to the room with Gemma.

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