Volume ii - Chapter 38

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Louis' POV

My legs began to tremble as I realised what was going on.

I was in the midst of a bushfire.

Someone must have forgotten to put the fire out before we went to the lake, allowing the fire to catch some of the chairs alight. From there, the flames must have spread to a few of the tents.

Luckily I had gotten there when I had or the fire could have grown and gotten much worse.

The very real danger here, was that Harry could be in his tent, blissfully unaware of the chaos surrounding him. He could have no idea that his tent was rapidly filling with smoke and that he was breathing it in, slowly suffocating himself while he slept.

If Harry died, I didn't know what I would do. And if he died without me getting to tell him how I felt, it would be even worse. I didn't want him to think I didn't love him because I do. I just needed to tell him.

I need to tell him.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I dropped my bag and ran towards his tent, one that luckily wasn't being eaten by flames and fell to my knees in front of it, tears blurring my view.

All I knew was that there was a fire at the campsite and Harry wasn't in sight. He could be in the tent or he could be perfectly safe but even if there was the smallest chance he was inside the tent, he could be in serious trouble.

And I couldn't ever let anything happen to him if I had the power to save him, so I didn't think twice when I scrambled to his tent, desperately trying to find him.

"Harry! Please, answer me! Harry!" I shouted as I fumbled with the zipper. It was stuck and I couldn't get it to budge. My eyes widened as fear spread throughout my body.

If Harry was inside, he could suffocate and if the zipper was stuck, then he wouldn't be able to get out.

"C'MON HARRY!" I shouted again trying the zip one last time but to no avail.

"Fuck," I swore under my breath before I reached for my pocket knife. I cut one long slice along the base of the tent and threw the knife aside.

I took a deep breath and crawled inside, hoping to God that Harry would be okay.

I couldn't lose him. I couldn't.

I love him.

As soon as I was inside, I frantically felt around for Harry's sleeping body. I crawled over to his sleeping bad and tried to find him, but it was empty.

I buried my head in my elbow for a minute, coughing violently before continuing.

"Fuck... Harry!" called out again. I tried Niall's bed too but it was also empty.

I wiped at my face, getting the tears away before going back to the tent entrance. I coughed again and covered my face as I blindly felt around for the hole I had cut.

After a few, deep coughs, I opened my eyes again, still unable to find the hole I'd made. I started to panic a little, but attempted to stay calm.

I tried the zipper again just in case but it still wouldn't budge and I really let myself panic. My eyes started watering again and I couldn't breathe properly.

The tent was quickly filling with smoke and it was getting hot. I could feel myself getting more and more light headed as it got even scarier.

"Louis?" I heard a voice outside. It was Harry.

"Harry?" I croaked out, barely audible. There was no way he would have heard me.

I groaned when I heard him say my name again. "Louis? Oh shit!" He must have seen my pocket knife and realised I had been at the site.

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