Volume ii - Chapter 20

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Gemma POV

So at some point today, Harry and Louis disappeared. I turned around to see how everyone was going with the hike and there was no sign of them.

I momentarily freaked out because I thought something might have happened to them, but Niall assured me that they were fine and probably just fell so far behind, that they decided to go off on their own.

"Then there were four." Zayn had commented once we had all stopped and realised they were missing.

I swear something is up with those two though. They seem really... close.

So after they vanished from our little group, the rest of us decided to find somewhere to eat lunch. Niall suggested we go find the beach and no one else could think of anything better so we went with that.

Liam and I lead the way through the woods to the beach while Zayn and Niall walked a little way behind us, very close together.

They talked in hushed tones and every now and then I heard a giggle. They had been becoming very close lately.

I swear there must be something in the water because everyone seems to be finding someone to love on this trip.

While we were walking, all hot and sweaty, I thought about everything that had happened.

Liam has been being super cute lately. Showering me with compliments, helping me with everything and basically being just amazing.

I missed him, I really did and to be perfectly honest, if Louis hadn't broken things off with me, I probably would have after spending all this time with Liam.

I mean, Louis was an amazing boyfriend, caring and sweet but I never stopped loving Liam.


He was the one and he always would be. It just took a sprained ankle and stumbling upon him on a camping trip for me to realise it.

Just then, I turned my head to see him smiling at me. I blushed and turned my head back to hide my smile as I tried to concentrate on walking, not the gorgeous man walking next to me.

Soon enough, we burst through a row of trees to come stumbling onto the beach. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the cool water, drawing me in for a swim.

I think the others must have all had the same idea because we dumped our stuff in the sand, stripped off to our underwear and ran to the water's edge, not caring about how we looked. All I wanted was the feeling of that cool water running over my skin.

"Race ya!" I heard Niall yell to Zayn as they sprinted to the water ahead of Liam and I. I took my shirt off to reveal a pink bikini I had put on this morning just in case something like this happened. As I was, I looked up to see Zayn reach the water a foot behind Niall.

"I beat you!" Niall yelled in glee as he turned around to be met face to face with Zayn. Their chests were pushed up against each other's and Zayn wrapped his arms around the younger boy's frame as he whispered something in his ear.

Niall looked surprised, but comfortable as he pulled the two of them back into the water with a splash, making me laugh as I slipped my shorts off.

As soon as I was ready, we both joined them in the water, to cool off.

Niall and Zayn started a splashing war which Liam and I soon joined in on as we all played around. They were acting very flirty, giggling and smiling as they teased each other, as were Liam and I.

Then, Zayn slipped his arms around Niall's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder as he sighed contentedly.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complained has he rubbed his hands over Zayn's where they rested over his stomach.

"Let's get some food, yeah?" he offered in reply as he took his hand and led them out of the water, back to our bags that rested in the sand.

They were adorable. I really think that they could be in love. It was so obvious. They way that Zayn constantly wanted to have his hands on him somewhere and the way Niall always lit up whenever he was around.

I had known Niall for a long time, him being Harry's best friend and all, and I had never seen him like this. Not with any of his girlfriends and not even with Harry.

He looked smitten and it was nice to see.

I was really happy for them.

I noticed that Liam was distracted, watching them go so I smiled to myself as an idea formed.

"Hey!" Liam exclaimed as I splashed him in the shallows.

Ha! Perfectly timed!

He raked a hand back through his dripping wet hair as he turned to face me, his chiselled abs and perfectly tanned skin sparkling in the sunlight.

I laughed as he picked me up, his arms held me tight against my chest as he spun me around while we both smiled, relishing in the moment.

When he put me down, we were facing the beach. He kept his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. I smiled as I realised that he felt exactly like it used to, me in his strong arms.

"They're cute, aren't they?" Liam commented, giving me a light squeeze and snapping me out of my trance.


"Niall and Zayn. They're pretty cute." He repeated.

"Yeah, I guess." I said with a smile "Thought I thought Zayn was straight?" I asked, realising I'd never seen him with another guy before. He always seemed to have girls hanging off him at school.

"Yeah, he was. And I think he's bi. But I really don't know. We were talking the other night and he said that he has no idea. He just saw Niall and, well, he just knew." He replied with a shrug.

I turned around in his arms and gave him a questioning look.

"His words, not mine." Liam said, laughing lightly and he shook his head a little, indicating that he was just as confused as I.

After all, I'm not one to judge.

Love is love. No matter what.

"You know, I don't think I've ever seen him this happy," he added.

I hummed in response as we watched them. Niall was scoffing his sandwich down while Zayn gazed at him, admiring him. I felt Liam let out a happy sigh as he continued.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy."

I smiled along with him as I slowly pulled myself out of his grip and turned around, holding both of his hands in mine.

They were big and warm and felt comforting as he rubbed his thumbs over the backs of my hands.

"Neither have I," I replied, looking up into his glowing brown eyes.

He smiled, but it faded to a frown soon after.

"I'm sorry," he said, pulling me closer. "I know I must have hurt you when I-I... when I broke up with you" he looked down and blinked a few times before continuing. "I thought it was for the best when I moved away after high school, but then we ended up at the same university and..." he stopped again to take a breath "I saw you again, with Louis and I knew it was a mistake."

"Liam-" I tried to interrupt but he kept going.

"I'm sorry. Please, give me another chance?" he asked "Please? I-I" he paused and looked deep into my eyes, pulling me even closer and holding my waist.

The next words he said were barely a whisper.

"I love you."

As soon as the words left his mouth I smiled and pulled him down closer to my face.

"I love you too."

Upon hearing my words, his frown left his face, giving way to a brilliant smile. He moved a hand up to my neck and pulled my lips up to meet his in a kiss.

I hadn't felt his lips for such a long time.

I missed it, I really did.

When he pulled back, he was smiling, so I smile back wider than I had in a while.

"C'mon," I said, playfully, taking his hand and leading him out of the water. "Let's eat."

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