Volume ii - Chapter 37

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Louis' POV

So we'd all decided to go through with my idea and have a picnic by the lake. We got dressed, packed a bag of food and headed out just before midday.

"Here we are," Niall announced, sinking to the grass and throwing himself down on his back before releasing a sigh. "Finally."

"Ni," Harry complained. "Can you take your bag now?"

On the way here, Niall dropped his bag, whining that it was too heavy. He refused to pick it up and Harry, being the kind hearted person he is, picked it up for him, not wanting to leave it in the woods.

Niall just waved to the ground beside him and moaned, so Harry dumped the bag on his back before walking back over to me.

"You're too nice for your own good, you know that?" I told him, kissing the top of his head as I put my arm around his shoulders.

Harry just hummed and pouted his lips at me for a kiss, which I happily gave him.

"Let's eat!" Liam insisted. "I'm hungry."

I pulled the picnic rug out of my bag and with Zayn's help, we spread it out and all sat around it, ready to eat.


After a couple of hours of lying about in the cool grass and playing football with the warm sun on our faces, Harry started to look ill.

He was lying with his head on my chest and I noticed his eyebrows furrow.

"Harry, babe, are you okay?" I whispered so the others wouldn't hear. They were all playing football anyway. I really wanted to play but Harry wanted to lie down so I stayed with him.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine." He reassured me but I was still worried.

"You sure you don't want to join, Louis?" Zayn called out to me. "We need one more player since Gem wants to be ref."

I looked down at Harry who still looked awfully uncomfortable, his frown growing as he massaged his temples.

"Go," he said, sitting up. "You should go play, I'll just watch."

I sat up too and put a hand on his lower back as he rubbed his eyes.

"You sure?" I asked him, not wanting to leave him when he clearly wasn't entirely well. "I can stay here with you, if you like?"

"No no, go have fun. I can watch" He replied with a weak smile. I still wasn't sure I believed him, but I didn't want to make a scene, so I kissed his cheek and wandered over to my friends.

We played two on two for a while with Harry watching until I noticed him lie down. I thought I heard him groan too.

"Hold on a sec, guys." I told Liam before jogging over to Harry.

"Hey, you alright." I asked, stroking his head. He looked a little paler.

"Uh, I just have a bit of a headache, its okay." He answered, sitting up again. He opened his eyes to look at me. "I think I'm going to head back to the tents, have a lie down. I'm kinda tired."

I helped him sit up and sat beside him.

"Okay, well I'll come with you an-" He cut me off.

"No," He shook his head. "Stay here and have fun. It's just a little headache, yeah?"

He moved to stand up so I grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet. He pecked my lips before turning and grabbing his bag.

"You sure?" I asked, still worried. He looked better, but I was still anxious about my Harry. "I can come. I don't mind."

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