Volume ii - Chapter 23

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Louis POV

I'm an idiot.

A really fucking stupid idiot and I've ruined everything.

And Harry hates me.

He had been avoiding me ever since I got back to the campsite. I came into the site and saw that everyone was back already and sitting around a small fire. Liam and Gemma were being cute and cuddly, Zayn and Niall were talking and giggling and Harry was sitting in between the two couples, a sullen look on his face.

I dragged myself towards my tent, threw my bag on the mattress and changed into some dryer and warmer clothes before joining the others outside.

When I sat down, everyone stopped talking and looked back and forth between Harry and I. Well, all except Harry, he kept his red, teary eyes on the ground, his hurt expression looking even more upsetting.

Harry told me he loves me.

I mean, love is a pretty big feeling, and I'm not sure I feel it yet. I'm not sure I've ever felt it.

I like Harry, and I care about Harry, but love... I wasn't sure.

"So..." Liam said, interrupting the awkward silence as he rubbed Gemma's leg. "What'd you guys get up to today?" he gestured towards Harry and I.

"Nothing," Harry burst as soon as the words left Liam's mouth. He kept his eyes on the ground, picking at a thread on his jumped.

Liam looked at me with his eyebrows raised, silently asking me what I had done. I scowled back at him and looked to Harry, who was still playing with the string.

"You were together for a whole day and did nothing?" Niall asked, putting a hand on Harry's leg. He flinched away and turned slightly so he couldn't be touched. "C'mon mate, you must have done something." He continued, more tentative.

"Nothing worth talking about," he spat, looking at me for the first time since our moment in the clearing. His eyes were puffy and he looked dishevelled. He stood up, shot me a venomous glare and stormed to his tent, leaving everyone staring at me.

"Nice going, Lou," Gemma snapped once she was sure he was gone. "You broke my brother."

"What? No, I-" I began but was cut off.

"Lou, what happened?" Niall asked, concerned.

"We had a great day." I remarked slowly, nodding to myself for reassurance as I looked down.

God, he's really angry.

It's just... I don't know.

I don't know.

I brought my gaze back up to see them all just looking at me in disbelief.

"W-We... just, like, hung out. And it was awesome. I mean, he's great! And we had fun... I thought we had fun." I explained.

"Louis," Zayn pleaded with me, turning away from Niall to face me properly. I couldn't help but notice Niall's arm was hooked through his... weird.

"Well, obviously something happened." Gemma snarled again.

"Gem, sweetie, calm down, okay?" Liam cooed, pulling her in to hold her and stroke her back.

Okay, something is definitely going on there.

"I'm going to check on Harry," she huffed before getting up and going to his tent.

"Lou, just tell us what happened." Niall asked. "We just want to help."

I wanted help, I really did, but I didn't want to tell them anything. I was too embarrassed.

"Louis, we saw you two in the clearing, when Harry got up and stormed away." Liam confessed.

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