Volume ii - Chapter 26

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Louis POV

The day at the lake had not turned out as I'd hoped.

Harry was sulking the entire time and paying no attention to what I was trying to do. Every time I looked at him he would roll his eyes and look away. If I tried to talk, he would scoff and walk off. I didn't know what I should do and I didn't want to upset him further.

After a few hours of Harry sitting alone and wallowing around in self-pity, I decided I need to talk to him.

To get him to see what I needed him to see so that this whole stupid fight could just be over with.

I watched as the others went down to the water and stood, walking over to where he was lying. I cleared my throat, hoping to catch his attention for the first time today.

"Hey Harry?" I asked, looking down at the beautiful green eyed boy. I giggled and looked away, my face heating up.

"You look cute like that" I added as an afterthought, thinking he looked gorgeous in the sunlight.

I moaned and squinted up at me. "What is it, Louis?" He grumbled.

I frowned briefly but soon covered it up, seeming cheery once more. "Can I talk to you?"

"What do you think we're doing?" he snapped, surprising me a little.

"Um, like, in private?" I pushed.

"Fine, whatever." He snorted before getting up and marching into the woods.

I followed after him quickly, running through my speech in my head as we went, trying to organise my thoughts.

Then, he stopped and spun around, surprising me yet again.

"Talk," he demanded, his arms crossed..

"O-Okay," I began, caught off guard as he snapped me out of my practise "I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you upset the other day. You just surprised me, that's all. I-I just-"

"Louis," I snapped, cutting me off "I don't care. It's okay, you don't have to apologize. I'm done. You don't have to make up for anything. You don't have to keep pretending. You can walk away now."

"W-What?" I asked, that wasn't at all what I wanted. "Harry, I-"

"No Louis, you don't have to worry anymore. You're off the hook. You can leave" he spat.

"Harry, n-no. I don't want to, please! I don't understand-" I continued, hoping he would see reason but he wasn't even letting me speak.

"It's obvious, Louis." He sighed dejectedly "I put myself out there and every time, you shut me down. You clearly don't want to be with me, so you don't have to."

"B-But I want to," I whispered.

"Louis, you don't" he replied, getting angry again because I wasn't agreeing with him.

I wanted him to see it from my point of view. I never meant to hurt him.

"I do!" I shouted.

"Louis!" he shouted back. "Stop lying to yourself. I saw the way you looked when I said... I-... what I said."

What? The way I looked? I have no clue how I looked. I was just taken aback.

"Harry, I was just surprised, not expecting it, that's all." I explained. "Don't think I don't have feelings for you Harry, because I do"

"Bullshit. If you had feelings for me, you wouldn't have reacted like that-" he began but I cut him off.

If he wouldn't let me tell him, maybe I could show him.

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