Volume ii - Chapter 27

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Harry's POV

I kicked a rogue stick out of my way as I trudged through the woods, my hands stuffed deep in my pockets.

I think I've come to the realisation that I was a complete idiot.

I let something stupid and little completely take over my mind and slowly destroy what Louis and I had, whatever that was.

I was jealous.

It thought that if he didn't say it back, then there must have been someone else.

I never thought about the fact that he might not be ready, I just jumped to conclusions and make an ass out of myself.

I sighed and continued on my way, my head hung low as I thought about how I was going to fix this.

I care about him way too much to let him go. I don't think I could ever let him go.

It was just a matter of whether or not he'll forgive me for my idiocy now, not so much anything that I can do.

All I can do is show him I'm sorry and try to control my jealously.

I can do this. I just hope he can too.

(oooOOOoooo. POV change mid-chapter...)

Louis' POV

After a few more hours at the lake, Niall and I headed back towards the campsite. Zayn had already started making his way back, claiming to have a headache and Liam and Gemma wanted to stay and watch the sunset, leaving just Niall and I making our way through the woods.

We were kinda quiet, which is weird considering all through our childhood as we were growing up we were very loud and couldn't stop talking.

I know my brother and for him to be this quiet, I knew something must have been wrong.

"What's up?" I asked nonchalantly as we were walking.

He shrugged and kept moving. "Nothing."

"Niall," I commented, knowingly. "C'mon, you can tell me."

"Louis, its nothing. Drop it." He snapped. I probably should have done what he said but I was worried about my little brother.

"Is it Zayn? Did something happen?" I pushed, wanting to know to see if I could help. "I swear if he hurt you, I'll-"

"Louis!" Niall interrupted with a small smile, "no, it's not Zayn. He did nothing wrong. Please don't hurt him!"

"Okay okay," I put my hands up in defeat and laughed which he joined in on.

I was proud that I made him cheer up and smile. It was what big brothers should do.

"Yeah," Niall sighed dreamily. "Zayn's great."

"I'm happy for you, bro. I want you to be happy." I reassured him, patting his back.

"But seriously," he continued. "I'm really happy. Like, I didn't know I could be this happy..."

I smiled warmly at him, genuinely happy for my little brother. All I want is for him to be happy and now he's found that with Zayn.

"I'm glad. You deserve this." I told him.

"Thanks man. He's just..." he stopped and giggled to himself before continuing. "perfect! He's so kind and he takes care of me and he's just amazing."

I smiled even wider as my heart swelled at how cute they were. "Please, you're killing me here!" I laughed. "Stop with the cuteness!"

His shoulders rose to his ears as he looked at the ground and giggled again as we walked. I put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close in a half hug and I heard him sigh again as we fell into a comfortable silence.

In amongst all his happiness, I couldn't help but think about Harry and me and how I wish that we could be as happy and Zayn and Niall. They seemed to have a perfect relationship. They met, started dating and fell for each other. It was as simple as that and I felt myself growing slightly jealous that Harry and I had such a hard time sorting out our relationship.

"Louis? You okay?" Niall asked, noticing my lack of smile and growing look of concern.

"Uh, yeah, fine." I waved him off, trying but failing to shake off the feeling. He seemed to buy it though.

"What about you, you never told me what was up with you." I recalled.

"Louis, I said drop it." He warned, which I clearly did not concede.

"C'mon man! You can tell me!" I insisted.

"Louis, no! Please, it'll only upset you." He replied sassily.

"No it won't, c'mon!" I kept pushing.

"Louis-" he tried to interrupt me but I wouldn't let him.

"JUST TELL ME, PLEASE!" I exclaimed dramatically, making him huff in defeat as he realised he would have to tell me.

"Fine!" he exclaimed. "I guess I'm just upset at the way Harry's been treating you lately."

I rolled my eyes.

Seriously? That was what it was... He really shouldn't worry so much.

"Don't worry about it, little bro!" I said lightly as I punched his shoulder. "There's nothing wrong. Just, drop it, yeah?" I added more seriously.

"Louis!" he shouted suddenly, putting an arm out and spinning me around to face him. I was met with an angry glare that made me step back.

"Niall," I looked at him with a surprised expression. "Calm down, okay?" I patted his back awkwardly still shocked from his outburst. Though it did make me feel loved that he cared so much.

"No! It's not okay!" I he exclaimed, his face turning red as he put his hands on my shoulders and shook me lightly.

"It is-"

"NO! ITS NOT! He can't keep doing this to you. He's being ridiculous." He continued.

"Niall-" I tried to stop him but he was set on letting me know how he felt.

"Let me finish." He stated, effectively shutting me up. Once he was sure I wouldn't interrupt again, he started again. "Harry is an emotional kid, I think we can agree on that. Ever since I met him he's been like that, very sensitive and such. But that's no excuse for how he's been acting lately. You don't need that kind of shit in your life and you don't have to put up with it. He needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions. He's so selfish!"

I stayed silent and stared at him with wide eyes, wondering if he was done and taking in what he had said. I guess he was right in some aspects. I shouldn't have to deal with Harry's shit and the way he was treating me.

He was kinda being unreasonable with the whole thing. But Niall didn't know that we had talked earlier today and sorted, well sort of sorted it out.

"You can speak now," Niall rolled his eyes and laughed a little at my stupid expression, lightening the mood.

"Okay, well, uh, I guess you have a point but we talked a couple hours ago and he explained himself. We're sort of on good terms now, I think, but trust me man, I know that he was being an idiot. You don't have to worry. I've got this." I reassured him. "Now, concentrate on you and your Zayn and stop stressing." I added, with a chuckle as I started walking again through the woods.

I think I managed to convince him as Niall joined in on my laugh and stepped in with me towards the campsite.

"Oh shush you!" he chastised. "But bro, you can talk to me, you know? If you ever need anything, I'm here. I'm your brother. Please, you can come to me."

"Yeah. Thanks, it really means a lot. But don't stress, yeah? I can handle it. I've got this." I reassured him with a grin.

In all seriousness, I did have a plan. I knew what I was doing and I was going to sort it out because if one thing had become apparent from listening to Niall talk about Zayn, It was that I couldn't let Harry leave my life.

Everything Niall had said about how he felt towards Zayn was nearly exactly what I was feeling for Harry and hearing about how happy they were, I knew I couldn't let Harry go. He was what made me happy and more than anything, I wanted us to be as happy as them.

I could only hope that it would all work out.

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