Volume ii - Chapter 32

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Louis' POV

I woke to the sounds of two people groaning and swearing. What a great wake up call.

I stretched my arms above my head sat up, rubbing my eyes as I listened.

"Keep it down, moron!" I heard Niall's voice first.

"I'm trying, I'm sorry, I-" Harry was cut off by a loud clatter. "Shit!" he cursed.

It was Harry and Niall outside the tent. They must have gone to get fire wood or something.

"Fuck! God damn it Harry! Help me!" Niall hissed just after I heard a clatter.

Then, I heard Harry's gorgeous, lilting laugh.

"Harry!" Niall whined, making Harry stop laughing.

"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry." He replied in between giggles as he tried to calm down.

God, he sounds so beautiful.

I chucked to myself at their outburst as I rolled out of my sleeping bag and pulled on some clothes so I could go and help them.

After I was done, I ran a hand through my hair and shook it out before exiting my tent.

I pulled the tent flap open and crawled out into the sunlight, standing and stretching once I had enough room.

Then, I rubbed my eyes and looked around for the two trouble makers.

Niall was holding one end of the firewood tub up while the other end rested on the bench where we have been preparing food. Harry was scurrying around him, picking up sticks that must have fallen.

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief at their stupidity.

The idiots dropped the tub.


I covered my mouth with my hand, muffling my laughs as I watched them. Unfortunately, my giggles were heard.

"Louis!" Niall exclaimed with relief once he saw me. "Please, help us!"

Then, Harry looked up at me, a small smile on his face and a light blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Fine, but only because I know you two couldn't do it on your own, clearly." I teased.

Niall rolled his eyes playfully as I walked over to them and bent down to help Harry.

"Hey," I greeted once I'd squatted next to him.

"Hey," he replied as he nudged my shoulder and kept picking up the sticks, his eyes on the ground.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, trying to start a casual conversation. I know we'd had that conversation last night, but I still wasn't sure how he felt about the whole situation. I didn't know if he'd remember it, so I decided to play it safe and be my usual, charming self.

"Good," he replied sheepishly as he kept his eyes on the ground.

He's so cute and shy!

"That's good-" I tried to answer but Niall cut me off.

"NO! No talking!" He chastised. "My arms are just about falling off here! HURRY THE FUCK UP!"

Harry turned to me with a smile as he tried not to laugh at Niall's outburst while I did the same.

'Sorry,' he mouthed to me, apologizing for getting me into trouble. I just smiled back and watched him as he looked back at me.

His green eyes are mesmerising and I found myself unable to look away.

His smile grew as he giggled, unable to hold it in, making me smile even wider along with him. I decided we should probably get back to the sticks, so I broke the staring contest by quickly ducking down to peck his lips.

They were soft and warm and perfect. Even though he had morning breath, I found myself wanting more. So my peck turned into a 2 second, closed mouth kiss.

He pulled away with a shy grin and bit his lip. "I love it when you do that," he commented under his breath so Niall wouldn't hear.

"Well, I love doing that," I retorted with a grin before I squeezed his leg affectionately and stood up, my handful of sticks going into Niall's tub as I picked up the other end and we carried it closer to the fire pit.

Harry scrambled after us, sticks in hand as he quickly threw them into the tub as well.

I placed my end of the tub down at the same time as Niall and stood up to stretch my back. Niall stayed knelt down next to wood as he began to arrange it so we could have a fire.

Harry seemed to be in a good mood this morning, maybe he did remember last night. And he seemed happy about it too, which was a good sign. Maybe we would be alright.

I wonder if it's too soon to ask him to be my boyfriend again... or we're we already that? Did we even break up or was this just considered a fight?

I should probably ask him, just to be sure.

As I turned around, I came face to face with a smiling Harry.

I gasped in surprise, but smiled as I brought my hands down from above my head to rest lightly on his waist. I thought it might have been too much too soon to hold him like that, but he put his on my arms as he leaned into my touch.

I smiled, now I could be myself, knowing that he was okay with me.

"Now that we're not kneeling in dirt, let me properly say good morning," I declared. "Good morning."

He giggled again and looked at the ground before he brought his eyes back up to meet mine.

Then, he leaned in and gave me a kiss similar to the one I just gave him. "It is a good morning." He hummed as he pulled back from my lips.

"Well, now it is." I replied, my eyes still closed. I only opened them once I felt him pull out of my grip. I watched him as he retired to a chair, still smiling. I sighed in happiness as I did the same.

I took the seat next to him and he wrapped my hand in his, holding it close.

In that moment, I felt so happy. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach whenever he touched me.

"You know, you lazy gits could help out." Niall commented, not taking his eyes off the sticks he was piling around the bigger logs.

"But you're doing such a great job!" I remarked, making Harry laugh as I felt him squeeze my hand.

He mumbled something under his breath, which I'm sure was an insult, that I didn't quite catch.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing," he mumbled again, a concentrated expression taking over his face as he lit a match and threw it onto the sticks.

He stood up and took a step backwards as he watched the flames catch onto the sticks and begin to burn.

As he turned to take a seat, he caught sight of out entwined hands.

"You two are no help, I swear." He commented as he sat down in a chair and jokingly rolled his eyes at us. "You can't keep off of each other. Between the ruckus you caused doing the dishes last night and your disgustingly sweet greetings this morning.... Remind me never to voluntarily get myself stuck in the middle of nowhere with you two again."

I looked to harry to see him blushing as he shrunk down further into his chair.

I reassuringly gave his hand a squeeze, letting him know it was okay.

Besides, I like it.

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