Volume ii - Chapter 24

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Harry POV

I went to bed last night with tears on my face. I couldn't get the image of Louis' disgusted expression out of my head.

He literally looked like he might throw up.

I knew he didn't really like me, I knew I should never have trusted him.

I sighed and stretched, accidentally hitting Niall in the face as I rolled over and felt that my face was dry. I must have stopped crying at some point in my sleep.

Niall mumbled as he sat up and looked at me.

"You hit me in the face, man." He stated groggily.

"Yes, Nialler. Yes I did." I laughed as I shoved him away playfully.

"Oi!" he protested, but soon joined in on the laughter.

But I think we were a little too loud.

"IT'S TOO DAMN EARLY, GUYS! SHUT. UP." I heard Zayn yell from his tent.

Niall and I looked at each other, wide eyed as we hid our smiles with a hand, trying not to laugh more.

It wasn't really working.

Zayn isn't a morning person and it was way too easy to push his buttons when he was in one of his moods. And Niall seemed to be in a mood too, just a stupid laughing mood, not a crabby, snappy one.

I don't even know what he was laughing at. There wasn't anything particularly funny to laugh at. I, on the other hand, was laughing at him.

I looked over at Niall's face and laughed even harder at the idiot, trying to stuff his hand in his mouth to keep from making any more noise as he rolled around on the mattress in a fit of laughter.

He looked so stupid, I can't even begin to explain how funny it was.

We started making strangled animal noises as the giggles got more and more intense along with our ridiculous facial expressions while we tried to hold it in, for Zayn's sake.

Then, we both fell back down on our mattresses, heads on our pillows as we took deep breaths, calming ourselves down.

I rolled onto my side and looked at him.

"Your boyfriend's really not a morning person, huh." I commented.

"You're telling me," he replied with a roll of his eyes.

I chuckled but my smile quickly faded as I remembered last night's events. Although Niall and I's moment just now was a nice relief, there were still some issues to sort out with Louis.

I am in love with him, completely, and he looked sickened, almost offended at that fact when I told him yesterday.

I thought he really liked me, I thought he wanted to be together with me. After all, he was begging me just the other night.

Maybe, it was all a big joke. Maybe, he doesn't care and all he wanted was a laugh.

Well, whatever it is, I don't care.

I'm done.

I'm not going to waste anymore tears over him. No more moping, no more following him around like a lost puppy and no more loving him.

I don't need to spend any more time fawning over him. I will move on and I will be okay.

"You okay, man?" Niall snapped his fingers in front of my face, catching my attention.

I smiled awkwardly and sat up, getting out of my sleeping bag and pulling myself towards the exit of the tent. "Yeah man, I just need some air." I told him before emerging into the cool morning breeze.

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