Volume iii - Chapter 52

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Harry’s POV

Louis asked me out on a date.

I couldn’t stop smiling I was so excited.

I hadn’t seen him in weeks and we hadn’t actually been on a proper date, so I was absolutely ecstatic when he asked me out.

I stayed cool until he left my place, watching him leave from the front porch as he drove down the street.

When he was gone, I ran back into the hosue, danced around the lounge room and fell down onto the couch all the while singing random happy crap as it came into my mind.

I didn’t even care how much of an idiot I looked like, I was happy and I was letting it out.

I rolled over and giggled to myself at the thought of Louis all dressed up for me.

I had only ever seen Louis in super casual clothes while we were camping and whenever he came over to my place, so the thought of him all dolled up was incredibly exciting.

All I wanted was to spend a really nice night out with my boyfriend because I missed him so much.

I stuffed my face into a cushion and squealed like the big grown man I am, before calling Niall.

“NI!” I screamed into the phone as soon as he picked up.

“Jesus, fuck. What mate?” He asked, alarmed at my outburst.

“Louis and I are going on a date tonight.” I told him. “And I’m freaking out. I need your help.”

“Dude,” Niall deadpanned. “He just got home, hold on a sec.”

I stayed quiet while Niall and Louis exchanged hello’s and Louis went up to his room.

“Okay, now what’s the problem?” Niall asked. “You guys are like an old married couple, why are you freaking?”

“Ni!” I whined. “Please, I don’t know what to wear and we’ve never been on a date before and I don’t know how I’m supposed to act or what to say or-”

“Harry!” Niall cut me off. “You’re rambling. Do you want me to come over?”

“Yes.” I whispered into the phone and I heard him sigh.

“Okay, I’ll be over in a sec.” He answered.

“Thanks man.” I replied, hanging up and waiting for him to arrive.

Within a few minutes, I heard someone bang against the front door, then excessive swearing.

“Fuck me!” Niall screamed from the other side of the door. “What the fuck?”

I laughed to myself as I got up off the couch and went to the front door to see my friend.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I opened the door and saw the sight of him.

He was rubbing his forehead and looking really confused as he looked at me.

“Why is your door locked? It’s literally never locked when you’re home.” He asked me as I opened the door wider to let him in.

I laughed as he walked past me and into the house. “Cause mum’s gone away with dad, and she wants it locked for security or some shit.”

Immediately, Niall’s face changed. He raised his eyebrow at me and gave me a sly grin.

“Your parents’ away, eh?” He teased.

“Yes, Ni.” I said, shoving his shoulder.

“And you’re going on a date with Louis?” He continued.

“Yes, Ni.” I repeated.

I shook my head at him and headed upstairs with Niall following behind, still being a knob.

“So the house will be empty tonight, and your gonna come home with Louis tonight.”

“For fucks sake. Yes Ni.” I laughed as we went into my room and I fell back onto my bed.

“Oh thank God. I thought I was going to have to buy earplugs cause you two’d be coming back to mine.” Niall laughed, sitting on the chair.

“What?” I asked with a laugh, sitting up to look at him. “Did you think we were going to… you know… do it?”

“Um, yes.” Niall stated. “And by the way, you are allowed to say the word ‘sex’. It’s not like you’ve never done anything with him before.”

I felt myself blushing as I laid back down and Niall laughed.

“What! You have!” He continued.

“Shut up Niall!” I shouted as I tried to hide my smile.

He kept laughing so I threw a pillow at him to shut him up.

It didn’t work.

5 minutes later, he had calmed down enough to help me pick out an outfit.

Niall, being the idiot he was thought that he knew exactly what he was doing.

He was picking out different outfits and making me try them all on as he looked and judged his work like I was some sort of artwork to admire.

No, I am no artwork.

I felt so awkward and to be honest, none of the outfits were really me.

Finally, we came to the last outfit and I loved it.

It was just plain black skinny jeans with a black blazer and a white t-shirt. It was simple and I loved it.

I was very me and I thought Louis would like it.

“Yes, yes this will do nicely.” Niall observed as I looked in the mirror.

“Shut the fuck up, you idiot.” I laughed at him.

Niall laughed along but did what I said and didn’t say anything.

“Do you want me to stay?” Niall asked and I shook my head.

“Nah, it’s all good. I’m going to have a shower and stuff.” I told him and he got up off the floor to hug me.

“I’ll see you later then, call me tomorrow how it goes, yeah?” He asked and I said I would.

We walked to the front door and said our goodbyes before I went back upstairs and had a shower.

I did my hair and put in the outfit I had picked and all of a sudden, it was 7pm.

My boyfriend was going to be here any second to pick me up and I started to panic a little.

I don’t know why I was so nervous, I guess I just wanted everything to go smoothly.

I had missed him so much and I couldn’t wait to spend time with him.

All I could hope was that nothing had changed and that our date would be as amazing as the camping trip.

I brushed my curls to the side and let out a shaky breath, looking  over myself one last time to check everything was okay.

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy but at the same time, I was so excited to see him.

Then, the doorbell rang.


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I'm sorry.

its been a while and its really short and terrible

but pls enjoy and COMMENT PLEASE <3

~ Vic xo

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