Volume ii - Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

I had been sitting in front of the fire for a while and the only thing that I could think about was Louis. He was so incredible and just, the most amazing person I had ever met and the best I could do was treat him like shit.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I took it too far and said things I didn't mean and I have no idea how to fix it.

How am I going to fix this?

I need him. I really do and I now that I've had a taste of what it's like to be with him, I don't ever want to let him go.

It was around 5pm when I saw Louis and Niall come bursting through the trees and into the campsite. They were laughing and were out of breath as they shouted at each other about who supposedly 'won'.

"I won!" Louis exclaimed, arms around his stomach as he stumbled into a chair opposite to where I was sitting in front of the roaring fire.

"No way! I totally got here first!" Niall retorted as he followed behind and did the same, slumping in his chair as he tried to catch his breath.

I sat, stunned as they bantered in front of me. I was caught mid-thought about the gorgeous boy sitting opposite me and I froze with nerves.

I just stared at him and thanked God that he couldn't read my thoughts as I had only just been thinking about him. He sat down opposite me and laughed along with Niall. I saw his lips moving, indicating that he was talking.

I had no idea what they were saying, a was too caught up in the fact that he was in front of me when I thought I had at least another hour to compose myself. I thought I had time to figure out what to do.

I took a breath.

This is it, Harry.

This was my chance to make it up to him. From now on, I need to be me, the same old me that I used to be, before I turned into this jealous, junior high schoolgirl.

"Harry?" Louis' voice snapped me out of my trance. I looked up to see a pair of the most brilliant blue eyes staring across the fire.

He looked happy to see me, which surprised me a little but I wasn't one to question when the boy of my dreams was happy to see me.

Niall on the other hand looked angry still. I couldn't blame him though, our last conversation didn't end on good terms. His smile fell as he looked at me and his expression turned blank.

"W-What?" I stammered, my eyes wide at the fact that he acknowledged me. I didn't think he would after what I had done. I thought he would avoid me like the plague but here he was, talking to me and I had no idea what to do.

Louis smiled and laughed lightly at my response before he looked at Niall who was staring at me like I was mentally challenged.

"Well?" he asked, gesturing between the two of them.

"I-I, uh, um..." I stuttered. I hadn't really been listening, all I gathered was that there was some kind of competition.

"Have you not been listening to anything for the past 5 minutes?" Niall shook his head at me and rolled his eyes when he saw my blank expression.

He was clearly still upset at me, he wasn't even trying to hide it.

"Oh Harry," Louis chuckled, shaking his head so his hair flopped around his face, framing it perfectly.

He looked perfect, with his skin slightly shiny from a small amount of sweat on his forehead and his blue eyes shining.

I don't know why but my name sounded so perfect falling from his lips.

"We were racing to see who got here first. So, who won, Harry?" Niall repeated eager for an answer.

"Uh, um" I really wasn't sure. To be honest, I hadn't been paying attention to who burst through the bushes first. "Um, Niall, I guess." I said, saying his name just so my friend to like me again.

I couldn't stand us fighting, it was weird. We were too closer friends to ever do this kind of shit and never really had any disagreements so to be acting like this was strange.

He beamed when he heard me say he had won and turned to Louis, punching his shoulder.

"I told ya!" he exclaimed. "I told ya I won! YES!"

He jumped out of his seat and did some crazy celebratory dance around Louis chair as he cheered.

Meanwhile, Louis just sat there staring curiously at me. He had a slight smile and an expression like he was studying me but not quite being able to figure me out.

"Hey Harry," he inquired as Niall sat down, still smiling like an idiot. "I think it's our turn to cook dinner tonight. Join me?"

I nodded as we both got up and walked over to the stove and table top to prepare our meal. Just as we passed Zayn's tent, Zayn emerged.

"Hey boys," he greeted us groggily as if he'd just woken up. Which I think he had.

"Zayn," Louis returned the acknowledgement with a nod.

We watched as he walked over to the fire and sat down next to Niall who cuddled up next to him, still giddy with joy. I smiled at them. They really are adorable and I'm incredibly happy for them even though my love life has turned to shit.

Well, returned to shit.

"You okay?" Louis asked, grabbing the sausages from the esky. "You seem..... off."

I felt my throat close up as I realised he knew that something was up.

"I, uh, I'm fine." I croaked out, my voice breaking halfway through.

He raised an eyebrow and leant back against the table. Oh shit. He knows.

"Really, I'm fine." I repeated, trying to convince him.

"You can talk to me, you know." He told me sincerely.

I smiled and nodded as I reached past him to grab the tomatoes from the other esky so I could start making the salad.

"Yeah thanks." I replied.

He left the sausages to defrost and grabbed some more veggies to help me. We cut them up in silence until he started talking again. When he did, I was very thankful. It was beginning to get awkward.

There was so much we needed to say but I don't think either of us even knew how to begin.

"I'm sorry, you know," he confessed. "For everything. For making you feel like I didn't care and for making you think I didn't trust you. Because I do. And I just felt the need to say it. I'm sorry."

I paused and furrowed my eye brows before I looked at him.

"Don't apologise." I stated. "You don't need to. I was being stupid and selfish. It's my fault and I'm sorry. I'm the one apologising, you don't need to."

"But Har-" he began.

"No, let me finish, please." I interrupted. "I was being an idiot and I took it too far. I'm sorry that I pushed you away like that and I never meant to hurt you. I-I'm sorry."

His face softened as he turned to me. "Thank you." He said, barely above a whisper. "I really needed to hear that."

He reached out and cupped my face with one hand as he smiled at me, making me blush and look at the ground.

"And I forgive you." He added, brushing a thumb over my cheek bone and sending shivers down my spine.

I smiled and nodded, turning back to the carrot I was chopping as I kept my eyes down, too nervous to look up. We fell into another silence, but this one was more comfortable than the last.

Finally, what needed to be said, had been said.

I was internally screaming.

He forgave me. He actually forgave me.

What did I ever do to deserve someone as good as him?

I smiled to myself as I thought about the incredible person that is Louis Tomlinson.

It can only get better from here.

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