Volume i - Chapter 9

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Louis' POV

When I saw Harry sitting on that hill, alone, tears streaming down his face, I knew I had to tell him. He deserved to know the truth.

So I told him how I felt.

"I like you, a lot, Harry. And I wanted those feeling to go away, for Gemma's sake, but now... I think we both know that these feeling aren't leaving anytime soon." I said.

He was silent, looking into my eyes for a long time. They were wide with fear and surprise. He looked so adorable! He is actually one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. He can be so cute and innocent sometimes, but at other times he was so ridiculously hot and I just wanted to rip all his clothes off of him.

Of course, I didn't realise at the time, but now I think back on it, that's exactly what I was thinking.

After a long silence, Harry spoke.

"W-What are y-you gon-na d-do?" he said.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't know. So I bought myself some time by pulling away from him and looking at the beach below.

Then it came to me.

"I think I need to talk to Gem," I said.

I looked back at him to see him smiling. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, which made me start smiling. Then he smiled even wider, making my smile do the same.

It was just too cute!

I let a little laugh escape my lips, then, I let my emotions completely take over.

Well, not completely, but enough to do something I wouldn't do if I was thinking straight.

Eh, who needs brains when you have a heart? Right?

I leaned in to him, tilting my head to the side and watched his eyes go wide. I didn't want to kiss him yet, I mean, I was still with Gemma, so I did the next best thing.

"Please, don't ever forget how I feel about you." I whispered in his ear, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Childish, I know. But I wanted to do something for him without completely breaking Gemma's heart.

When I pulled back, I saw he had his eyes closed so he couldn't see me, thank god!

I was bright red and smiling like a fool.

His eyes fluttered open and he bit his bottom lip and looked at me.

I quickly composed myself before he got a good look at me.

I smiled and stood up, holding out my hand for him to take. He gingerly placed his in mine, letting me pull him up.

Then, he awkwardly tripped, standing on my toe and falling on me.


His head ended up on my shoulder, one hand was on my chest and the other still in my hand. I wrapped my arm around his waist to stop him from falling to the ground. He looked up at me sheepishly, his eyes wide, before mumbling an apology and pulling himself up.

I didn't want to take my hands off him.

But I had to.

"It's okay," I said, trying to make him feel better. "Don't worry about it!" I added with a light laugh.

He nodded, but kept his eyes on the ground.

He was clearly embarrassed.

That was quite possibly one of the greatest moments of my life.

We walked back to the campsite in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was just nice, as we were enjoying being in each other's company.

Just as it came into view, Harry stopped me and pulled me behind a tree. We were still a fair few meters away, so no one knew we were even close by.

I was surprised at his forward move, but I went with it.

"Louis," he said, still holding my wrist "Did you mean what you said back there?"

His brow furrowed in thought as he looked down and bit his bottom lip, waiting for my answer.
"Hey," I said, putting my fingers underneath his chin and bringing his eyes up to meet mine. "Of course I did! Please, don't ever doubt that."

He smiled and nodded, stepping away, then turning and walking into the campsite, leaving me leaning on the tree, looking after him.

I may or may not have stared at his bum for an extended period of time before following him.


The first thing that caught my eye when I arrived back at the campsite was Liam and Zayn.

What the hell were they doing here?

"Um, hey guys!" I said cheerily. "What a small world! What are you lads doing here!"

I was the last one to sit down and there was only one spare seat next to Harry. I took it and turned to face my friends.

I had known Zayn since high school. We were best friends and once we started at the same Uni, we met Liam, forming our little group. He was a few years older and had graduated now, but we still caught up every now and then. I hadn't seen them in long a while though.

I've been super busy with schoolwork lately, okay?

"The last time I saw you two, we were running down George St with toilet paper and eggs away from the police!" I said laughing as they both got up to greet me.

"Nice to see ya, mate! We just helped your girlfriend out here. She's hurt her ankle a little, but it should be fine!" He said with a laugh as we hugged.

"Oh good, thanks man." I said, possible with a little sarcasm.

"Yeah same, long time no see!" Zayn added doing the same. "God that was a crazy night!" he added.

"Oh yeah! Louis you are the man! He..." Liam said, launching into the story of how insane I am when I drink. Let's just say I like to have fun.

After he finished the story, it was about midday. Harry suggested we go down to a beach he had seen seeing as though it was a nice day.

"Yeah, that's a great idea, Harry." I said, as we all got up and retrieved what we would need.

Once everyone got up and turned away, I leant over to whisper in Harry's ear. "Plus, now I can see you in that sexy swimsuit of yours..." I added suggestively, wiggling my eyebrows.

Then, I let out a laugh seeing his wide eyes and bright red face.

He is too easy to tease, I swear.

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