Volume ii - Chapter 39

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Harry's POV

"I love you."

Those three simple words made my heart melt. When Louis said it, I felt so warm and fuzzy inside, I didn't want to ever let him go.

"You do?" My heart swelled and I found myself longing for him to say yes. All I wanted, all I had been waiting for since I started to like him was this moment, for him to love me back.

"I do." He said, looking into my eyes with the most genuinely happy smile I had ever seen on his face. "Truly."

It was that word, that one word, that did it. I surged forward and captured his lips in mine, pouring as much emotion as I could into that kiss.

I wanted him to feel what I was feeling; overwhelming happiness, relief. And love. So much love.

I moved my hands behind his neck to deepen the kiss and he let me.

I pulled back and pecked him a few times before resting our foreheads together.

I smiled at him a smile so wide my cheeks hurt.

"I love you." I told him, meaning it more then, than ever before. I couldn't resist the look of his lips so I kissed them again.

"I love you." He replied, wiping the tears from his face. I got butterflies in my stomach when he said it.

It was more perfect than I could ever have imagined.

After a little while of exchanging 'I love you's and more kisses, Niall and Liam came traipsing back into the campsite, Gemma trailing behind.

"What the fuck happened here?" Niall exclaimed, the smile falling from his face as they all looked around in horror.

"Louis? Harry?" Liam asked once his eyes fell on us, sitting in front of my tent.

There was that much smoke here before, I was sure they would have noticed it, but it must have cleared away after I put the fire out.

I thought I heard something in the distance, maybe a siren or something but I was too anxious about Louis to care.

He coughed again, the smoke still bothering his throat and I stood up, keeing my arms around him to help him stand too.

Then I got a good look at him.

His fingernails had blood all around them from where he was picking at the zipper and his hands were covered in a light layer of soot. His hair was dishevelled and the tear stains on his face had mixed with the dirt that was already there.

"Guys? Oh my god, are you okay?" Gemma asked, pushing past Liam and Niall to come rushing over to Louis and I. "Harry? What happened?"

She hooked her arm through Louis', the one that wasn't around my shoulder, and helped me help him to a log so he could sit more comfortably.

"We're okay," Louis breathed out, still too tired and his voice too sore to speak much louder.

"What the..." Zayn trailed off as he finally came into the woods and joined Niall's side, looking at the ruined site.

He put a hand on Niall's back, but the blonde boy seemed paralysed as he watched Louis. He didn't move, he just watched with a very worried expression.

I bobbed down as I helped Louis to sit. Once he was okay, I went to stand up straight and explain but Louis caught my hand and pulled me back down next to him.

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