Volume i - Chapter 17

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guys! please please please go check out my new Larry fic, its called Lights, Camera, Harry and the link will be in the comments.



Harry's POV

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. Someone's cooking.

I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to see an empty space next to me where Niall should be. He must be up already.

I slowly sat up and put some clothes on, tugged a beanie over my curls and pulled on my ugg boots since its still kinda cold in the mornings.

I squinted at the bright early morning light and held a hand up to shield my eyes as I exited the tent and looked around the site.

Gemma and Liam were cooking this morning and the others were all sitting around the fire already. It seems I was the last one up.

When I walked over to the burning pit, I was greeted by a very bubbly Niall. He looked like he was trying to stifle a smile but it really wasn't working.

"Uh, morning boys." I said, sitting in my chair next to Niall as they all responded at the same time.

Zayn grunted in response and kept his eyes closed. He's clearly not a morning person.

Louis looked up and smiled the sweetest smile ever and said "Good morning, Harry." This made me smile.

Niall just giggled out a "morning" before just staring at me, still trying not to smile.

"Um, Nialler?... What's up bud?" I asked looking away from his eyes before it got creepy.

He started rocking in his chair as he allowed himself to completely smile. He looked up at the sky and took a deep breath before leaning in to me and whispering "Louis told me. About last night. He told me. He did. He told me."

I pulled back with a laugh and looked at his face to see him practically glowing. Then, I smiled too and leaned back in to reply.

"Good, so now you know. Just, deep breaths, Nialler, please." I whispered with a small laugh and a smile slowly spreading.

Then, I leaned back to sit in my chair properly before slumping down and relaxing in the early morning breeze.

I was happy, for once. Things were finally starting to go my way. I had Louis finally realising what he'd been doing to me and was now making up for it. Gemma seemed happy with Liam, whatever the hell it was they were doing. Niall's grateful now that he's no longer stuck between his best friend and his brother and Zayn, well, I don't know much about Zayn but he seems alright.

"FOOD!" Niall exclaimed suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sat up in my chair and rubbed my eyes, squinting through the light. Sure enough, Gemma and Liam were bringing over breakfast. It must be my turn to cook soon...

I ran a hand through my hair and grabbed a plate that Gemma handed me as I looked up. I briefly caught Louis' eye but he looked away, realising he'd been caught staring. He had been smiling at me as he watched.

"Thanks," I muttered as Liam put some bacon and an egg on my plate and blocked my view of Louis. He looked so gorgeous this morning too, with his hoodie and ruffled up hair hidden under a beanie. DAMN IT LIAM MOVE!

Once he did and I regained my view, Louis was talking to Zayn, both laughing about something that they must have done on one of their nights out a little while ago.

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