Volume ii - Chapter 42

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Harry's POV

Louis and I wandered back to the campsite in our own time. Just before we pushed through the trees and into the clearing, Louis stopped me.

"You okay?" He asked for the hundredth time.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes, Louis. I'm okay." I told him before turning back to walk through the bushed.

Apparently he had other ideas.

He laughed and pulled me back to him, putting both his hands on my cheeks and giving me a long kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed up against him as I returned the kiss.

Louis laughed against me lips and pulled back, giving me a few quick pecks before grasping my hand and asking me one more time.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yes Louis. I love you, I have you and I'm okay." I told him, bringing our clasped hands up to kiss the back of his before we moved into the campsite.

Once we finally emerged from the trees, I saw the others all sitting around a roaring fire eating breakfast.

"There's some for you guys in the pan." Liam called out as we wandered over to the chairs, changing directions after he spoke.

Sure enough, on the stove in the pan there was some food. We took our share and sat with the other as we ate.

"We're leaving today." Gemma broke the silence as she announced happily.

"Yeah," Niall added with a smile.

Zayn and Liam both just hummed along, looking slightly disappointed. I, personally, was happy to be going, I was sick of the outdoors. But then again, I didn't want to leave because then I wouldn't be able to be with Louis all the time like I have been.

We wouldn't have the same freedom to hang out. We wouldn't be able to see each other every day. We wouldn't be able to sleep next to each other and we wouldn't be able to kiss each other and hold each other all the time.

I frowned as I realised what going home would do.

I live in Holmes Chapel. Louis only comes home during the holidays otherwise he lives in London.

Louis' older, better and more attractive than me. He's a catch and I was sure there were people lined up around the block for him.

I'm a dork in high school and he's a sophisticated Uni student.

My parents still think he's with Gemma. They don't even know about Liam.

He's incredible and I'm... well, me.

So much happened on the trip and there were so many differences between Louis and I. Even though I knew he loved me and his speech before comforted me a little, I was still scared.

And there was nothing anyone could do to make me any less.

I finished my food and got up to put my plate in the bucket before picking it up and collecting everyone elses.

"You guys excited?" Gemma continued.

"Hell yes!" Niall exclaimed. "I can finally see my Xbox again!"

I laughed. "You mean my Xbox?" I asked.

"Whatever," He replied. "I use it more than you anyway." He replied, snuggling into his boyfriend's side, who chuckled and kissed his head.

I rolled my eyes again as I continued getting everyone's plates.

"I just want to see my mum." I heard Louis admit. "I have so much to tell her."

"Yeah," Gemma agreed. "Same."

"I want to get back to my apartment." Zayn said. "I'm not sure my neighbour has been feeding my cat."

Liam laughed and pulled Gemma closer. "I can't wait to just hang out with you in London." He told her, receiving a collective "aw" from everyone except me.

I'm a moody teenager, whatever. I'm allowed to be melodramatic.

Also, I didn't really care about my sister's relationship. I was too focused on my own.

After I collected all the dishes, I put my head down and concentrated on cleaning them. When I was done, I packed them away into the basket and packed up the table.

When I looked up, I saw that I had been so closed off, I hadn't heard the others. They had put the fire out and had packed up the remaining chairs so they were stacked towards the side.

"Hey," Louis' voice startled me from behind. I felt his arms snake around my waist as I smiled and leant back into his embrace. "You didn't have to do all that."

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "I don't mind."

"Well all that's left is the tents." He told me so I sighed and stood up straight.

"Okay." I said and turned towards my tent.

I'm pretty sure he was confused as to why I wasn't more affectionate towards him but honestly, I wasn't in the mood.

I went into the tent, changed my clothes and packed the rest of them into my bag before bringing it back outside.

Then, Niall went in to pack up his stuff. As I waited, I watched everyone else as they took down their tents.

Once Niall was done, we took down ours and packed up everything so all that was left was some logs of wood and a fire pit.

"Okay," Liam announced as he looked around. "Looks like we're done."

Zayn put his arm around Niall, Liam put his arm around Gemma and Louis put his arm around me as we all stood, our belongings by our feet as we looked out over the campsite.

We were silent as we remembered the past week and everything that had happened. What was supposed to be a mediocre weekend with my sister and her boyfriend had turned out to be one of the best weeks of my life.

We all walked back to the cars together where we parted ways.

"Well, Zayn and I are going back to London." Liam said, breaking the silence that had formed.

The couples said their goodbyes and the two boys got in their car with their stuff and drove away.

I suppose I was lucky, my boyfriend was coming home with me. But then again, it only prolonged what was sure to be an emotional goodbye.

We got into our car and began the drive.

Niall and I were in the backseat and he had his legs stretched over me. He was watching some movie and looked kinda sad.

I had already talked to him and he said he was okay, just sad about Zayn leaving, which I totally understood because the same thing was about to happen to Louis and I.



I looked out the window as I thought about it. He was so great, loving and reassuring, but I knew no matter what he said, everything was not going to be okay.

The matter was entirely out of our hands. There was just so much that could happen and I didn't know if I could deal with it.

Missing him could be too much for me. I'd spent far too long pining after him and now that I've got him, having him leave could just be too much.

It's all too much.

As much as I wanted to believe him when he said 'it'll be okay', I just didn't. I couldn't and I didn't know why.

I saw the "Welcome to Holmes Chapel" sign come into view as we drove down the road.

We were home.

For the first time in my life, I wasn't sure what would happen.

And I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

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