Volume i - Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

I don't really know why I told Harry that I thought he was cute. I kinda felt sorry for him. His crush on me was painfully obvious and I guess I decided to make him feel a little better. Yeah, that's why I told him.

Not because I actually like him.


I felt really confused. I mean, he's seriously adorable and sometimes, I feel myself wanting to kiss the living daylights out of him! And I nearly did!

When I was talking to him, he was so flustered and it was so cute! I was leaning in, I could feel it but I couldn't stop myself. As I got closer, his breath hitched.

I really wanted to kiss him. So badly!

But I couldn't. So I moved to whisper to him instead.

Nice move, Louis.

I didn't know what to say, since I wasn't planning on doing this, so I decided to leave him with a clue.

Cause I'm mysterious like that. Yeah.

"I won't tell if you don't"

So I sort of told him that I like him too.

I want him to know, okay!

But I'm with Gemma! Oh my god, Gemma!

I needed to make these feelings go away, there was no way I could allow myself to like him. I mean, it would kill Gem. So I went back to the fire, sat down, pulled her on top me and started kissing her.

I'm pretty sure Niall vomited in his mouth, but that's his fault for watching. He got up and left anyways.

Sorry bro!

All of a sudden, I heard someone clear their throat. I thought it was Niall because, well, I'm his brother and he was probably sick of seeing me hook up with Gem, but i didn't care.

It wasn't until Gem pulled away and said sorry, that I realised who it actually was.


Oops. I felt so embarrassed! Here I was, telling Harry that I thought he was cute and giving him false hope, then just walking away and snogging his sister.

After Harry got up and left, I felt really bad. Niall gave me a murderous look then followed him.

I closed my eyes and inwardly groaned. Thank God Gem couldn't see me!

"Gem, I think I'm going to head off too! I'm really tired." I said, trying to peel her off of me.

Damn, she's got a tight grip.

"Okay, hun." She said, getting off me. "I'm just going to go relieve myself. I'll meet you in the tent in a sec!" she pecked my lips quickly and walked off into the woods.

I didn't feel anything. Not one single bolt of electricity when she kissed me. No tingles. No fireworks. Nothing.

But I did feel something when Harry brushed my hand earlier.

Maybe I'm dating the wrong Styles?

I sighed and got up, quickly dousing the fire before walking back to my tent. As I passed Harry and Niall's, I heard whispers.

"...he's dating my sister. C'mon! I need to just move on already..."


I'm sure that was Harry's voice. I would recognise that gorgeous-

Hold up.

Louis, stop. You're with Gem, not Harry. C'mon!


That was definitely Niall, meaning the first voice was Harry, saying he needed to move on.

Move on? What's that supposed to mean? I don't want him to move on!

LOUIS STOP! Yes, yes you do. You have feelings for Gemma. You are with Gemma. You love Gemma!

I need these feelings to go away.


"Louis! Hun? What are you doing?"


I turned around slowly and saw Gemma walking back towards the campsite, a confused expression on her face.

"I, uh, was, um, just... going to say goodnight!" I said. Thank god I'm a quick thinker!

"Oh, okay, well, come to bed when you're ready!" she said, cheerily.

That was close.

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Time to make this go away.

I wiped my sweaty hands on my sweats before going inside the tent. Gemma was already in her sleeping bag but her eyes were still open.

She eyed me hungrily as I took off my hoodie and revealed my bare chest. As I went to put my t-shirt on, she stopped me.

"Don't." She said, a seductive tone taking over her voice. She kneeled up, her sleeping bag falling down to reveal her body, she was only in her underwear.

That cheeky little...

I couldn't help but smile. I really love her... I think? I'm not really sure anymore. But I know I definitely like her still. Yeah.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leant in to kiss me. Her thin lips pressed against mine, the taste of her strawberry lipbalm mingling with her saliva in my mouth. She forced her tongue into my mouth.

I didn't feel anything. Usually, being in a situation like this and seeing her all over me the way she is now, would turn me on big time.

But not this time.

All I could think about, was the boy with the dimples and curls who was peacefully sleeping just a few meters away.

"Gem-" I said, breaking the kiss.

She just replanted her lips on my neck and hummed. She really wouldn't stop.

"Gem, please-" I repeated. "Not now."

"Lou, why?" she whined, still kissing my neck and torso. "C'mon."

Then, she stopped and looked me dead in the eye. She smirked and whispered hotly against my ear.

"I know you want to."

Well, no.

No, I actually really don't want to.

I want to be doing this with your brother.


Oh my god Louis, please stop!

I closed my eyes and breathed quickly against her neck, trying to get in the mood.

Maybe I should do this. Maybe it will help get rid of my feelings for Harry.

Without a second delay, I latched my lips onto her neck and started kissing her openly, eliciting a moan from deep within Gemma's throat.

Oh yes, this could definitely help get my mind off of Harry.

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