Volume ii - Chapter 22

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Harry POV

"LOUIS!" I squealed as my head resurfaced. I spat water out of my mouth and spun around to find the little bugger.


He was swimming away backwards, smiling at me and laughing as he splashed around.

"You're so dead!" I shouted, paddling after him.

"You gotta catch me first!" he teased before turning around and swimming faster. I growled and narrowed my eyes as I tried to chase him.

He was laughing all the way and soon enough, he was on the other side of the pool whereas I had barely moved.

I blame it on all the clothes.

He smirked and turned around, leaning on the rocky wall of the pool as he watched me try to come closer.

"You're a terrible swimmer," he noted.

I scowled and stopped where I was, paddling to stay afloat.

"You just wait, when I get you-" I started but was cut off by a wall of water hitting my face. Louis and pushed off the wall and jetted towards me, his hands outstretched, splashing me.

I gasped as I closed my eyes and tried to turn away but it was too late. He completely drenched me in water, again.

Even though he does shit like this, I can't help but love him. He's fun, cute, romantic, hilarious, not to mention sexy... What's not to love?

I stayed frozen for a second, then wiped my face before opening my eyes to be met with a gorgeous sight.

Louis was right in front of me, his eyes were sparkling and his grin so huge it took my breath away. Literally.

"Oops," he replied shrugging his shoulders, the picture of nonchalance.

As if that was an accident.

Louis Tomlinson, I may be a terrible swimmer but you are a terrible liar.

"H-Hi," I breathed out as I pushed my hair back off my face nervously.

He chuckled and bit his bottom lip, making him look even more attractive.

"You really are a dreadful swimmer," he continued as he crept impossibly closer so our chests were touching and his lips brushed against my ear.

"Hey Harry," he begun, making my heart beat a million miles an hour. I gulped before he continued.

"I think I know what the problem is," he added seductively, moving his hands to grip my waist, just above the waistband of my shorts.

I started taking shorter breaths he moved his hands over me, very effectively turning me on.

I swear I actually stopped breathing at one point.

Please don't say clothes. Please don't say anything about the amount of clothes-.

"You're wearing too many clothes," he said, his words barely a whisper, making me shudder as he pressed his warm lips to my ear, turning me on.

Oh dear.

All of a sudden, he slipped his fingers through my belt loops on my shorts and yanked them down, laughing like a maniac as he swam away.



I was blushing horrifically, scrambling around in the water trying to pull my pants up while he laughed at me from across the small pool.

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