Volume i - Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

So we're staying longer now. Yay.

And the weather is being stupid, getting hotter during the day and colder at night. Double Yay.

"I'm getting kinda tired," Gemma announced to us as we were all huddled around the fire, yearning for warmth now the sun had gone down.

"I think I'm going to head off too." Liam chimed in just after she finished speaking.

I narrowed my eyes at Gemma, who blushed and turned away from my stare just to look into his.

"Um, yeah, let's go," she said quickly, getting out of his lap and turning to him with a smile before heading off to their now shared tent.

No one replied, we all just stared after them. Once they were gone, the rest of us around the fire all looked at each other with questioning glances, wondering what the hell was going on with those two.

They must be back together. They must be.

"Um, okay." Zayn said, throwing his hands in the air, "What was that?" he said, looking to us for answers.

Niall started with his contagious laugh, making us all join in. After we calmed down, I explained the situation to them.

"Yeah, they dated a while back and Gem really loved him so, I dunno, they might be back together? I mean, I don't think she ever really stopped living him..." I said, looking at Louis to see if he was okay.

He swallowed and nodded, keeping his eyes on the ground as I spoke.

This must be hard... hearing that your girlfriend of a year has been in love with a different man for the past 3 years and the entirety of your relationship.

We all fell into a silence, taking what I had said and staring at the dancing flames coming from the fire. I thought about Louis and our current situation.

After all the time I spent trying to get over him, I finally realised that it wasn't going to work. I really do like him, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to stop, but he hurt me and used my sister to get over me. I want to be with him, but I don't think I trust him yet.

I mean, what if we do get together, and the same thing happens all over again? What if when he gets bored of me, he'll find someone else? What if he then continues using me but breaks up with me and shatters my heart anyway?

I don't know if I can do that...

"Harry, can I talk to you?" A low voice whispered into my ear.


I looked up into a pair of sparkling blue eyes, illuminated by the orange flames. He looked gorgeous, smiling down at me like some kind of angel.

He had gotten up from his chair and was now standing over me and his hand on my arm was sending shivers down my spine.

"I-I, uh, yeah." I stuttered before clearing my throat. He smiled a dazzling smile and held his hand out to help me up. I took it and he gave mine a light squeeze and he pulled me up.

"2 secs," he said, walking back over to his chair to grab his jacket.

I used that moment to look behind me and see Niall, staring at me and making me feel oddly guilty, though I don't know why. I shook off the feeling as I reached down to grab my jumper.

"I'll be right back," I said with a laugh as I got closer to him. "Don't miss me too much!"

Niall smiled sarcastically but it left his mouth quickly as he grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me in close to his face.

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