Volume i - Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I had had enough. Both Louis and Niall looked super intimidating, demanding a conversation with me like that. And to be honest, I really didn't feel like speaking to either of them. Niall would probably say something to try and make me move on from Louis, reminding me that I could never have a chance, and Louis, well... I don't really know. But I knew I couldn't face him. Not after what he did.

Not now that I know everything he did and everything he said was a complete and utter lie.

So I ran.

As fast and far as I could. I needed some space to think and calm down before I talked to either of them.

After a while, I found myself at that same clearing Niall and I were at yesterday. The one that he said I should bring Louis to see, because, you know, he wanted to help me or whatever.

What complete bullshit that turned out to be.

I sat down at the top of the hill and looked out over the town and the beach. It was a sunny Saturday morning. The sky was clear, the grass was a bright green and the ocean was a gorgeous blue. It was truly beautiful, quite unlike my life at the moment.

As I sat, I stared out at the view, thinking.

I really really really like Louis, so much. He's all I think about. But I don't want to hurt Gemma. She's my big sister, she's always been there for me and I just can't bring myself to break up her relationship, no matter how much its killing me.

My thoughts soon made me start to cry and I curled in on myself, bringing my legs up to form a cocoon and burying my head in between my knees. I was so wrapped up in my own little sob-fest, that I didn't hear the footsteps.





I looked up from my position on the ground and turned around to see him coming towards me. He was panting, like he had been running.

Oh, wait... Of course he's been running.

Wow, I surprise myself sometimes...

I turned back around to face the water, ignoring him. I really wanted to talk to him, but I really didn't at the same time and emotions just... GAH!

He sat down beside me and followed my gaze out over the ocean. It truly was beautiful. After a while, he turned to face me. I still had my knees up around my ears and my head resting on my arms that were folded over my legs. He brought his hands up and placed them on my arms, pulling them down.

I got the idea.

I slowly brought my legs down as well and turned to face him, making the tears on my red, splotchy face very noticeable.

He put his head to the side as he looked into my eyes with a frown on his face.

"Harry," he said, reaching up to wipe away some of my tears "please, don't cry."

I simply looked back at him with a hard expression, making no effort to stop.

I can't believe that's all he had to say. So, I turned back to the view and crossed my arms, thinking again.

UGH! I hate thinking...

"I'm sorry," he said in a small voice, bringing me back from my thoughts.

I turned to look at him again. "For what?" I asked.

"Niall told me," he took a deep breath "how you feel about me." He said.

I really wasn't surprised. I knew Niall would let it slip and I couldn't help but feel... slightly relieved that he now knew. I still didn't say anything. I mean, what the hell was I supposed to say?

"Harry," Louis said "Say something, Harry!"

Okay, so now I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Please?" he choked out in a voice barely audible.

Okay, okay, fine.

"So you know, everything?" I asked.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. Yes, I spoke, Lou, it's not that big of a deal, moving on.

"Uh, yeah," he said "Niall told me how you felt before and then that you were really upset after... last night..."

"Oh," I said, looking away.

Yep. Its confirmed. Louis knows that I cried over him and his girlfriend having sex.


"Harry, I'm sorry," he said "I shouldn't have done it while you were there. I knew how you felt and I knew you could probably hear, and I'm just... so sorry!"

I gulped and looked away, embarrassed.

"You know, the only reason I did it was because of you," he said, putting his hand on my cheek, wiping away one of my tears, but leaving it there afterward, caressing my face.

I brought my gaze back to see his bright blue eyes boring into me.

Ohmygod. OHMYGOD.

What is happening.

"I like you, a lot, Harry. And I wanted those feeling to go away, for Gemma's sake, but now... I think we both know that these feeling aren't leaving anytime soon." He said in a low voice.

Oh my god that voice turns me on so badly!


This is not the time or place, Harry. Stop thinking like that!

Okay, think disgusting things...

Alright, its working. Okay, we're okay...

"W-What are y-you gon-na d-do?" I stuttered out eventually. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his.

"I think I need to talk to Gem," he replied, pulling away from me. He took his hand off of my cheek and turned back to face the view.

I was frozen. I continued to stare at him, not even blinking.

This was the best day ever.


He breathed out a long breath before turning to face me, smiling. I managed to snap out of my trance and smile back.

He's gorgeous, just saying.

When I smiled, he smiled even wider, causing me to smile wider. There was just a whole lot of smiling on that hill.

Then, he laughed a little and tilted his head to the side slightly. He leaned in to me really slowly, keeping his eyes on mine for as long as possible.

I stopped breathing.

He put his hand on my arm.

I continued not breathing.

As he got closer and closer, I felt my eyes slowly close. I couldn't see anything, but I could feel his breath on my cheek.

When his lips stopped next to my ear, he whispered "Please, don't ever forget how I feel about you." Then, he leaned back slightly and kissed my cheek, lips lingering for longer than just a normal kiss on the cheek. It was perfect and held so much meaning in just a little gesture.

I think it's safe to say I died a little inside.

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