Volume iii - Chapter 57

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so its short. sorry! xox love me still pls

3 chapters left + epilogue!




Harry’s POV

“This sucks.” Niall huffed before taking a drink from the water bottle in front of him.

Two weeks ago we said goodbye to Louis and Zayn and we were back at school this week with a new attitude:


We only had a little while until exams and then we would graduate, but until then, we had to study hard so we could get into a good university all while trying to survive a long distance relationship.

Plus, it was a Friday so we were all pretty much over the week by that point.

I had been texting Louis everyday, I even got my phone taken off me in maths last week because of him.

But I didn’t mind.

All I wanted was to be able to talk to him and see him again, although I knew that wouldn’t happen.

It was hard, just like before, but I was going to push through. I could do it.

“I know.” I nodded in agreement and looked around the crowded cafeteria of our school.

Niall and I sat alone, just us the two of us because we didn’t really have any friends.

“We should go down to London and visit them, like they visited us!” Niall suggested.

“We have to study.” I reminded him. “We don’t have time.”

“Not even one weekend?” He asked and I shook my head.

“We can’t waste an entire weekend not studying.” I laughed. “We have to do well on these exams.”

Niall sighed. “I know. I know.”

“I want to see them too. God, I miss him.” I added under my breath as I looked down with sad eyes.

I picked up my sandwich and took a bite as Niall did the same sitting opposite me.

“School is shit.” Niall commented.

“Agreed. But it’s necessary.” I replied.

“I s’pose if you want to go to uni it is, but what if I don’t want to go?” Niall retorted.

“Well what do you want to do, Ni?” I asked him.

“Sing. I want to be a singer.” He confessed.

“Then do it. Do X-Factor or something.” I replied with a smile and a light laugh.

“I think I will.” He nodded and smiled back at me. “What do you want to do, hot stuff?”

“You’re weird.” I laughed at him.

“Just answer the question.” He said, before shoving the rest of the sandwich in his mouth.

“I think I want to do, like, philosophy or something. Maybe law.” I replied.

“Well you definitely need to do well on exams then.” He laughed at me.

I nodded and sighed. “I know. Speaking of, I should head to the common room and look over my sociology notes.”

Niall coughed under his breath while saying “nerd” making me laugh as I stood up and grabbed my rubbish.

“Cheers mate. I’ll be in the common room if you need me.”

“Whatever.” He said, throwing a wrapper at me, which I caught and deposited in the bin.

On my walk, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a text from Louis, making my hear flutter.

Hey babe

Missing you xo

I smiled and blushed as I read it and typed out a reply on my way to study.


Louis’ POV

I pressed send on my message to Harry and sighed, looking up from my phone to pay attention to the lecturer.

“Hey mate, you okay?” Liam asked, leaning into me.

“Yeah, yeah.” I replied with a brief smile. “Fine, just bored.”

“Same.” He said with a laugh.

I looked up at the screen and scribbled down a few more notes before turning to the back of my book and doodling on the inside cover.

It already had a whole pile of “I heart Harry”s and ex ohs all around it, but I managed to squeeze a few more in before Liam grabbed my pen.

“Pay attention!” He scolded me. “We only have 2 months till final exams. Then you’re free to doodle about Harry to your hearts content.” He added with a smile.

I gave him a look and jokingly smacked his arm before snatching my pan back and flicking back to my notes page.

The old man talked on for another half hour until we were dismissed.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the room with Liam by my side.

“You seeing Gem today?” I asked him as we wandered down the corridor.

“Nah,” He shook his head. “She’s gone up to Holmes Chapel to see her family for the weekend.”

I let out a long breath. “What I would give to go up to Holmes Chapel for the weekend…”

“Oh man.” Liam said sadly as we exited the building and emerged onto the streets of London. “Not coping well, hey?”

I shrugged. “I dunno.” I said softly. “I miss him.”

He patted my back.

 “Do you want to get a coffee or something, try to take your mind off him?” He asked with a smile.

I nodded. “Yeah, that would be nice.”

“Okay.” Liam confirmed as we started to walk towards a café.

We took a seat outside, seeing as though it was a nice day and ordered.

I think I was looking sad because he kept looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

“I miss him, that’s all.” I said to him with a smile. “I’m not like, dying or anything. Don’t look at me like that.” I laughed and he put his hands up in defence.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry.” He replied. “Just… It’ll be okay, you know?” He reassured me. “Before you know it, 2 months will have flown by and you’ll be back together.”

“I’m bringing him back to London, you know.” I told him with an excited smile. “He’s coming to live with me.”

“Really? That’s great!” Liam smiled back.

“Yeah, I’m so excited!” I replied with a grin.

“I can tell.” He said. “2 months, just 2 more months.”

“Yeah.” I repeated, my smile fading a little as I thought about Harry, with his curly hair and bright green eyes and dimples that appear when he smiled and-

I cut myself off before I could get too worked up and upset again.

2 months.

Just 2 more months…

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