Volume ii - Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

After we finished our ice cream, Louis made sure I was okay before we got back into the car and drove to the campsite. He held my hand in the car again and we both sang along to the radio the whole time.

When we pulled up into the car park, we grabbed the bags and began the trek back to the campsite. There was a little dirt path leading to the clearing where our tents were so we didn't get lost.

Once we emerged into the campsite, our arms were so sore. Louis groaned as he dropped the bag of ice next to the esky and sighed in relief. I laughed at him and his weak arms.

As we'd established from the whole hiking day, I lift things therefore I could carry the bags just fine and he runs and therefore can hike. We have different ways to keep fit.

I walked over to the fire to see the other four still where they were, not having moved.

"Really?" I asked with a laugh as I sat down in a chair next to Niall.

"Yes man, really." Niall replied, still stroking Zayn's hair as he laid in his lap. "We're lazy, okay."

"Not that I didn't know that already, but okay." I replied as Louis came and sat next to me.

We sat around the fire for the rest of the day, occasionally getting up for more fire wood or food until late afternoon when we thought about going to find the lake again.

I briefly remember Niall saying something about the sunset there being really pretty and romantic and seeing as though only Liam and Gemma saw it the other night, the rest of us decided that we wanted to see it too.

"C'mon please!" Niall begged Louis. "I really wanna go see it!"

"It was pretty nice, mate." Liam commented and Gemma agreed.

"Yeah, it's definitely worth it." She added. "We should all go."

"YEAH!" Niall exclaimed. "Please Lou? I really wanna!"

"Then go, Ni." Louis replied with a chuckle. "Or do you need your big brother to hold your hand?" he joked, making Zayn laugh but kiss the side of Niall's head affectionately, trying to reassure him.

"No," Niall reasoned, leaning into Zayn's touch. "I just thought we could all go together, like we were supposed to the other day until...uh...yeah" he trailed off as he looked at me and saw my smile fall.

I knew what I did. I didn't need a reminder.

I pulled my hand out of Louis' and put them in my lap as I looked down at the ground.

"Niall!" Louis whispered under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear. "Don't."

He reached back out to me and grabbed my hand from my lap while he spoke. He pulled it back to where it was before, in between us on the arm of the chair and have it another squeeze.

Then, he glared at Niall and turned to me with a smile. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it before giving me a reassuring smile which I returned.

"Sorry," Niall apologized. "Anyway, can we go?"

"Ni, I already said, you can go. Doesn't mean I'm going to." Louis replied, rolling his eyes.

"Why not, man?" Zayn asked.

"Because I can't be bothered walking all that way just to watch something that happens every day." He replied, making me frown a little.

"Really bro?" Liam asked. "C'mon, it's not that bad."

In response, Louis just groaned and sunk into his chair, making every one laugh. Except me, I smiled a little, but I couldn't bring myself to laugh.

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