Chapter 1

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Even though I paid really good attention to the road I was driving on, I could still admire the green landscape passing by. I had never been to Portland before, but right now it seemed nice. My parents died in a car crash when I was only 2 years old, and my brother and I were sent to live with our aunt Marie. From the moment I was four, I was sent to a boarding school in the UK, and I had lived there until my graduation a month ago. Now I would go to the University of Portland to study Criminal Justice. The best part of it was that I could live with my older brother and his girlfriend so I would have more time with him. I was relieved... I had missed my brother so much and it was good to be away from the place where I began to see... those weird things. You don't know what I am talking about? You will... soon

I stepped out of my car, and the first one I saw was... Elena! Nick was waiting for me outside his house, and I immediately ran to him. He pulled me into a tight hug and I completely relaxed. This was the first time in two years I saw my brother in person, but he was one of the two most important persons in my life. How are you? "I am fine, how about you?" He smiled at me. Never better... I have my baby sister back. I chuckled and bounced against him. "Ha ha..." Then I looked around. "Where is Juliette?" Inside, I think she wanted to give us some privacy first. He looked at his watch. I have to leave in 20 minutes, duty called. I nodded, grabbing my bags out of the car, but he took them over. You go and say hi to Juliette, I will take these to your room. I smiled at him and followed Nick into the house. I could hear noises coming from the kitchen so I walked there, seeing Juliette who smiled and laid the knife down when she saw me. Elena! So nice to see you again! She pulled me into a hug as well and I hugged back. "It is so good to see you again as well! How have you been?" The same as always. She smiled. Are you ready for college life? I grimaced. "Kind of..." She chuckled. Now go see your room, it is up the stairs at the end of hallway. "Thank you again Juliette, for letting me stay with you." It is nothing. She smiled again and continued her task, I walked upstairs to find my room, Nick just walked out of it. What did you put in those bags? Bricks? I laughed. "Well, you would have a lot of stuff too when you lived in the UK for 16 years." He chuckled. You know what? The first thing we have do is get you back on the American accent. I giggled. "That will take a long time, considering I lived a lot more time in the UK than here." I know... Nick sighed dramatically, which made me giggle again. Well, I have to go. Is there anything you need? I shook my head. "No..." Any plans for this afternoon? I nodded. "Yeah, I have to go to the university, getting my schedule and stuff. It is the meeting day." When will the lessons start? "Tomorrow." All right, I will see you this afternoon then. I nodded and he wanted to walk about, but he stopped. Can you keep a secret? I frowned at him then nodded. "Sure, what is it?" He looked back to see if we were alone, then he took out a little black box from his pocket. I already knew what it was. "You are going to propose to Juliette?!" I whisper-yelled at him. He looked back once more and nodded. I am waiting for the right time though. I smiled, this was amazing. "The right time will come soon Nick, I am sure of it." He smiled and ruffled through my hair. I missed you Elena. "I missed you too." He smiled once again and left, I could hear him saying bye to Juliette. I looked around the room, although it wasn't big, it was cosy. It had a wooden floor, light grey walls, and black lace curtains around the window. There was a desk placed under the window, a closet stood next to the door which came out in small bathroom and a double bed took most of the space. I smiled, it was perfect. Opening my bags I started to unpack. First I put my clothes in the closet, then my make-up and other toiletries went to the bathroom. I placed my laptop onto the desk and my books onto a bookshelf. Some photo frames, I placed one of Nick and me onto my desk. I smiled, remembering that one. He and aunt Marie had come to the UK for the summer holiday. But the most important picture I had was the only family portrait, made 2 weeks before the car accident where my parents were killed. I placed it onto the nightstand. "Well..." I muttered against myself. "I think I will feel at home here." I grabbed a small bag and my car keys before walking down. "Juliette?" I walked to the kitchen, she looked up with a smile. Settled? I nodded. "I have to go to the university." Sure, dinner is most of the time around six, does that suit you? "Yeah, I think I will be back long before that... at least I hope." I smiled. All right, have fun. "Thanks." I wanted to walk out but Juliette called me back. Elena... catch. She threw me something and I caught it, it was a key. Of the door, would come in handy don't you think? I chucked. "Yeah I think so... thanks." I waved and walked to my car. Driving off, I followed my navigation towards the university, thankfully it was only a fifteen minutes' drive. The parking lot was already full with cars, and it took me a while to get a free spot. "Noted..." I thought. Walking in, the hallway was full of new students so it took me a while to find the right classroom. When I walked in, I felt kind of nervous. I sighed. You can do this Elena... I looked around and saw one girl sitting on a table looking around, she looked nervous as well. She was around 5.7 feet, nice blond hair and green eyes. I walked to her. "Hi." I said with a smile and she smiled back. Hi! I was already wondering if no other girl would sign up for a major in Criminal Justice. She was right, all the other students, around 30 persons, were all men. I giggled. "I guess it is not a female job." She grinned. Well, maybe we can change that. We laughed together and she held out her hand. I am Emma Norwood. I took her hand and shook it. "Elena Burkhardt." Nice to meet you Elena. "You too Emma." We talked for a little while, and it was a really nice talk. Emma was easy to talk with and it immediately felt good, we had the same interests. After ten minutes our study councillor walked in, a man around 40. He looked pretty nice. After the usual speech and encouragements we got our schedule and the other important things. We would be cut into two classes, and thankfully we were in the same class. We got a tour through the school and we had the class talk. The rest of our classmates seemed nice, so I was getting more and more excited about the start of the year. After it was over, Emma and I walked out together. Do you need a ride home? I'm sure my brother can take you too. I had found out earlier that Emma had an older brother. "Nah, I got my own car. We walked to the parking lot, but there we were cut off by a car. "Hey!" I growled, glaring at the driver. "Watch where you're going buddy!" The driver grinned and stepped out, together with some of his friends. For two beautiful ladies I have to stop... if you know what I mean. I glared at the boy. He was tall, around 6.4 but unknown to him, I could stand my grounds. Hell, my brother worked for the police, so I knew how to defend myself. I crossed my arms, Emma was glaring at them as well. Acting all big now for your friends Maston? The boy grinned. You got a big mouth for such a tiny person Emma. I wanted to defend her, but another boy walked in. Muscular, dark hair and dark eyes but something in his face betrayed that he was family of Emma. Really Dean? Are you trying to hook up with my little sister? The boy, Dean, turned a little bit pale. O-Of course not Ethan... we were just... "Leaving." I glared. Y-Yeah, what she says. Dean and his friends got in the car and drove off quickly. I looked after them... stereotype jerks. Emma on the other hand glared at the boy. Did you really have to Ethan? We were fine on our own. Ethan chuckled. If you say so sis... He looked at me. Who is your new friend? Emma turned to me. This is Elena... Elena, this is my brother Ethan. He shook my hand. Nice to meet you Elena. I smiled at him. "Likewise. And thanks." He grinned. You're welcome. Those boys just don't have brains, don't mind them. Emma rolled her eyes, then smiled. So I will see you tomorrow then? I nodded and said goodbye to them, walking to my car. Unfortunately I had to wait, a boy and a girl stood still right in front of my car and blocked my way out. I ruffled with my fingers on the wheel when it hit me. The boy looked angry, yelling at the girl who looked afraid. And then... they both changed. The boy got long hanging hair and sharp teeth, like a lion. The girl gained beady eyes, whiskers jutting out from a pointed nose, more facial hair, large ears, and oversized incisors. My eyes widen, but thankfully they didn't notice me. No no no no, not here too... I closed my eyes, when I opened them again, the couple was normal again, and they stepped out of my way. I quickly drove away, trembling. I began to see these kind of things when I was 12 – I was 20 now – back in the UK. I hid it from everyone, because I knew I was crazy. I thought starting over here would help it stop but apparently it didn't. Just ignore it Elena... just ignore it. The ride home felt like eternity, but finally I parked my car. I stepped out, exhaling. Then it hit me... a trailer stood on the driveway. I frowned and walked in. "Juliette?" I'm here Elena. I walked to the living room and there, sitting behind the table was... "Aunt Marie!" I smiled brightly and she turned around with a smile as well. Elena! How nice to see you! I hugged her. "How are you?" She smiled bitterly. Could be better. I nodded sadly, aunt Marie had cancer. Now we just have to wait for Nick, there is something I want to show you. "Show us?" I frowned. Just wait curious girl. I chuckled and sat next to her. While waiting for Nick, I told them about my day so far. About Emma and the new class... That Dean guy and how Ethan helped... I left out the strange part of course. Aunt Marie kept staring at me, which I found strange. Do we have company? Nick's sudden voice came from behind and I smiled. They greeted each other. I hope you two don't mind of walking a little with your aunt before dinner? Aunt Marie asked but she looked at Juliette, who waved it off. Of course not, dinner is ready in 30 minutes. We walked out, it turned dark already, I didn't even notice. So how bad is it? Nick asked. Two months, two weeks, two days. Nobody knows for sure... She looked at us. But there are so many things I have to tell you two. Nick frowned. Why didn't you come here sooner? She sighed. I couldn't... "Why?" I asked. She stopped, stepping in front of us. Just listen to me. There are things you don't know, things about your family. Nick looked at me, I glanced at him as well. Our family? He asked confused. You are our family. I got the impression that wasn't the thing she meant. Have you been seeing strange things? Things that you can't explain. She asked abruptly and I stared at her, how could she know?! Nick looked down, and aunt Marie closed her eyes. Oh, I knew it. this is all happening so much faster than I thought it would. She looked at me. For how long? I bit my lip. "8 years..." She didn't look surprised. Girls are always faster. Then she looked at Nick. When it happened to me, it knocked me on my ass. I couldn't move for a week. Nick looked so confused. What are you talking about? Our aunt sighed. The misfortune of our family is already passing to you two. I am so sorry. I know you love Juliette, but you have to end it and never see her again. It is too dangerous. My head felt like it was going to explode. The misfortune of our family? Was this common? Suddenly aunt Marie froze, she tightened her hand around her cane. Oh my god... He's here. Nick and I looked confused. "Who?" I asked. Hulda... Aunt Marie whispered and pulled out a blade out of her cane. "What the hell?!" I screamed as roaring interrupted us. A figure in a suit jumped in front of us, but he looked like a... troll. Aunt Marie pulled us out of the way, attacking the thing with the blade. The man had a scythe in his hands, attacking aunt Marie back with it. Nick jumped in, but got shoved back hard by the creature. The man leaped for aunt Marie again, but without thinking I ran, grabbed it by the waist and tackled it down. We stood up together, but the back of the scythe was slapped hard into my face and I fell down. Pain erupted through my arm as I fell, but I could hear the roar of the creature. Vaguely, I saw him slapping down aunt Marie and I screamed, but the creature didn't care. He walked to her, swept his scythe up and then... gunshots cracked into the air as loud as thunder and the creature fell down. I glanced at Nick, who – with his gun in his hand – stared at the creature which... all of a sudden... wasn't a creature anymore. He was middle-aged man. I ran to aunt Marie, she didn't move. Nick turned her around, and she was still awake. Did you kill him? She asked and he nodded. She sighed. I thought I lost him... they are after me. She grabbed the necklace she was wearing and ripped it off her neck, giving it to Nick. Never lose this... Guard it with your life, they will be looking for it. She closed her eyes for a second, but opened them again. Nick... Elena... your parents didn't die in a crash. They were killed. Then she lost consciousness. "We have to call an ambulance!" I looked at Nick, feeling panicked. He only looked confused... shocked. What...? He whispered. "An ambulance Nick!" I grabbed my phone and started calling. 


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