one ✔

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Over the years that Obadiah and his men raised the mini-Stark, Winter, as they had named her after the season she was represented best. This kid was cold, and learned to never show any emotion. Things weren't exactly...normal.

Winter didn't feel love, she couldn't, because there was not anyone to show her what it was. A miniature stuffed bear was the only soft item she owned, it was pure and sweet with tears at the ears. Holding it between her fingers the bear only seemed to get older the longer it was stared upon. It had been the closest thing to a friend she'd ever gotten.

All her life she was told that she was part of something bigger, a greater cause as they had put it. By the time she understood what they meant she didn't object, she felt like a soldier that was readying for battle.

"I told you that thing would make you soft," Obadiah came into the dull room, snatching the bear from Winters grasp.

Winter didn't react, even with sentiment to the toy she knew better than to test Obadiah. If she allowed herself to feel longing, it'd only make her weak, so her mindset diverted her to an emotionless gaze with a fearful hallow chest. It was either fear or coldness from the girl, just one she wasn't allowed to show in the company of others.

"I don't really feel very soft," The teen pinched at her skin obliviously, and completely missing Obadiah's point. The older man laughed, and pat her shoulder once before resting it back at his side.

"Ah Winter you always find a way to make me laugh." He took a seat at the steel table across from the kid-soldier he'd created over the years, staring at her amused.

Winter wore slightly bagged jeans, with a skin tight shirt that had a jacket covering it. Her hair was always well kept, and back, out of her face. Looking to her eyes Obadiah held back a snarl, they resembled the man he'd once friended, and now hated with a burning passion, Tony Fucking Stark.

"Why don't I laugh, like, you?" Winter glanced up from her fingers to the man in front of her, it was an honest question. The way she'd been brought up hadn't even allowed the thought of normalcy to be set in her.

So Obadiah shrugged it off, it wasn't her fault.

"It's because I never have anything funny to say, and you don't need to." Obadiah's tone plummeted darkly, the feeling of fear etching it's way back into Winters chest as she cowered away from asking anything else.

"Now go wash up, tomorrow's a big day. I think it's finally time to put you into the field." Obadiah leaned in, speaking slowly as if he were talking to a small child to Winter, whilst he sat up and exited the room, a metal door slamming shut behind him.

Any sense of curiosity washed away when the guards came over and escorted her back to her quarters. The room was petite, just big enough to have a bed that shared the space with a desk. Guards were always posted outside, but Winter never wanted to leave, this was normal, and this was home to her.

Looking at a folded set of clothes on the desk, she stripped off her daily clothes and opted for the grey sweatpants and a matching loose tee. In the process she managed to catch a glimpse of her scars, most were from training when she was younger. Some were larger than others, she'd learnt quickly after that how to fight properly. Sure she'd still get blindsided now, but it wasn't as bad as her old wounds had been.

There were no clocks in Obadiah's hide-away. Winter was shocked she even knew what they were, but without one there was really no sense of time in the closed off base.

The door shifted and a guard lazily stepped inside. There was always someone who would come in unannounced, but she didn't mind it, as a kid she hated it but then she learnt her lesson and how she was just a kid who needed to be looked after.

"Go to bed now, kid." The guard muttered and left, closing and locking the door when he walked all the way out.

"One...two...three...four...five...and there we go." Winter shook her head, it was always five seconds. She faced the ceiling when she laid down on her bed, hands pressed into the back of her skull as a yawn escaped her mouth. Not ten minutes later small snores were escaping her mouth.


In Obadiah's working quarters he'd mapped out and planned how he'd wanted this all to go down, his great plan. He'd have Winter show up at S.H.I.E.L.D, and from there distract Tony with parenthood, and from there that's when they and HYDRA would wait for a perfect time to attack the avengers. HYDRA wanted Captain Roders and Obadiah wanted Tony Stark, so they'd made a deal to work together to get what they wanted.

Obadiah didn't want anything, but revenge, and with the help of even worse people, he just knew that he would be tasting it soon. But he also knew that having a messed up kid would personally effect Tony, and that just made it all the better for him. It was perfect, crush Tony inside and out and if he got the chance he could make his move on Tony's suits.

Then just when he had put Winter into Tony's life, he was going to take her back, to somewhere new and destroy every single one of Tony's suits, leaving the blueprints for himself only.

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