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"Hey JARVIS, play the next episode of ah, what's the yellow sponge thing called again?" Winter whispered to the AI.

Pepper had been a tough person to get away from, the woman practically crushed to death with a hug and didn't leave her room. Winter had to squeeze a pillow in to peppers arms just to get away. It was now three in the morning and Winter was quietly watching these things called cartoons and was laughing involuntarily at the cheesy jokes.

"It is called SpongeBob SquarePants miss, next episode playing now." JARVIS responded very politely, like he was happy to be of service.

Winter laughed, "Ah of course thank you JARVIS."

"You are welcome." JARVIS replied.

Winter was so intrigued in her show that she didn't hear footsteps coming sloppily down the stairs, stumbling and almost tripping over each other with each step.

"Sir May I alert you to-" JARVIS started which alerted Winter and took her attention away from Spongebob who was currently recklessly driving to see Tony sitting down at the mini bar he had.

"Not right now JARVIS it's, its not a good time." Tony waved off the AI who was persistent.

"Sir, I highly suggest you listen-"



This went on for a few minutes between Tony and JARVIS. If Winter hadn't of been shocked to see her father mere feet from her she'd probably have laughed. Or she liked to think so.

"I'm gonna go down to work on the suits." Tony interrupted and stood abruptly, taking a glass of something brown with him.

The lights had all been turned off so he didn't notice her sitting on the couch or spongebob playing on T.V.

"Its a real mess down there." Winter spoke softly yet remained seated, and hidden.

Tony stopped and turned his head over his shoulder with a sigh. He took a few moments and his chest heaved, so Winter stood up gaining his full attention.

"JARVIS turn the lights on." Tony whispered Unsurely.

As the lights went up Winter could see his face better. There were circles underneath his eyes that looked dark, and he had a dirty black shirt on and sweatpants. His hair unkept along with his facial hair. He looked drained and unhealthy.

His eyes widened and he didn't move for the longest time.

"JARVIS what did you want to tell me?" Tony asked his eyes never leaving Winter.

"I was attempting to explain the situation, It seems that Miss Winter made it home safely at exactly nine p.m. last night." JARVIS explained monotone.

"You're Really here?" Tony asked taking a step towards his daughter.

"I'm really here, Dad."

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