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Winter had found herself calmly seated at a park bench, watching the children play screaming with innocent.

The local news stations were also going crazy over the rumors about Tony Stark having a child, and how shocking the idea was.

The teenager got tired of sitting, bored. The feeling one that reminded her of childhood. But now she was out, feeling free as the hot air breezed around her. People looked at her with judgement, mostly because she was in an area where people dressed nicely. And she was in sweatpants and a hoodie, practically dying from the heat. But it didn't matter.

So the girl got up from her bubble of innocence, leaving it behind at the park as she walked deeper into the city. The darker part, the dangerous part that lurked with criminals. But Winter didn't know that, how could she?

Her hood was on her head, looking down as the town grew dark. The sun no longer burning, and the cold was licking her lips, and was crawling up her clothes. Her breath visible in the air.

Winter turned down an alley way, not thinking at all. It wasn't occupied, and maybe there was something cool down at the end. She was eyed by the homeless people, but they were harmless.

It was the group of teenage boys that awaited her as she reached the end, stopping her. Trapping her in a circle, as she cracked their knuckles. Black hoodies on each of their bodies, and many piercings scattering across their face.

"Looky what we got here boys," One of the teens said as he evilly laughed, each and every one of them hated Tony Stark with a passion. They'd targeted Winter just because of her family.

"Got is a fresh one, straight from the privileged, Tony Stark's 'kid'." Another boy laughed from behind Winter, her chest bottling up with fear.

"Where have you been all your life? Did your daddy hide you away?" One more boy piped up, snarling in Winters face.

Winter glared at each and every one of them, letting her fear loose and remembering her training. She'd gone two on one before, but there were too many boys. Six.

The sadistic smile smeared off the 'leaders' face when he got no reply from Winter, for she had no answer to them. He socked her across the face, and Winter fell to the concrete, her cut from earlier dripping with crimson blood.

The familiar taste of blood on the roof of her mouth, she wiped her mouth and then stood up. Raising her fists, making the boys raise their hands and laugh sarcastically.

"Look at this badass!" One exclaimed, and a second later Winter punched him twice getting both sides of his face.

She heard the gravel beneath feet behind her, suggesting someone was advancing towards her so she turned around and kicked them back. Making two more from behind her grab her, holding her back by her arms hurtfully.

"That all you got priss?" A nameless boy commented, sending four punches to Winters face as she coughed out blood. Spitting it on his shoes.

"No," Winter spoke emotionless as her signature glare returned, and her brown eyes deepened with rage.

"Ah," The leader chuckled and nodded his head to his boys, letting Winter go as they ganged up on her.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now