two ✔

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Woken up with a jolt, snatched out of bed, blindfolded and put into a moving van. That's how Winters morning went, and without food. Was this what Obadiah had been talking about yesterday? If so, Winter was more than ready to be given her first mission. Even if she really had no idea what she was doing.

"We're going to stage it as if it were the return of a kidnapped kid, just directly in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. They can't ignore it there, and it'll definitely raise red flags. Hence, they'll find your dad." Obadiah tore Winters blindfold off, and barely let her adjust to the bright light flowing from the windows.

"Well I️ mean...Isn't she technically a kidnapped kid though?" One of the men asked that was in the backseat beside Winter.

"Don't get technical with me, it's beside the point." Obadiah dismissed their thought.

"This might hurt kid," Obadiah told Winter before the van screeched to a stop, throwing her out. Her face scraping painfully against the hot concrete, and a backpack thrown at her before they screeched off.

"Yeah...that...definitely, hurt." She groaned, and stood up.

Winter brushed her sweatpants off, and put a hand up to her bleeding cheek. Blood was flowing out, the world started to get dizzy or has it always been that way? The backpack. What's in it?

There was nothing special about the backpack, inside there was nothing but a switchblade and her teddy bear. The one she'd had her whole life. Leaving the care about her cheek behind, she decided to walk into the sky-scraping building before her very eyes. Taking it as the S.H.I.E.L.D head quarters, the mission was very discreet. The only thing she remembered was that her father came into play, like every situation Winter came across. There was no emotion.

Taking the knife into her hand, and slipping the backpack on. She wore her hood and snuck inside the building, security was top-notch but shed been able to hack the systems from the outside and sneak around them.

Was she supposed to get caught? She couldn't remember, but if she was dropped off she assumed that's what she was supposed to do. Winter made her way to the top floor, the one she believed to be the most important. Before she threw her knife into a guards leg, instantly raising alarm.

A man with an eye-patch came rushing out of the big room, Winter had seen on her way to the guards. Walking all the way up to her as she was roughly detained by security, while the other agents had their weapons raised.

"What the hell is this? Did nobody see a kid just walk up here?" A dark skinned man yelled at everybody, but the kid in front of him.

The security team remained quiet, all of them holding angry glares for being stupid enough to let Winter somehow slip by. The injured leg-man was already being hobbled out of the room.

"Now who the hell are you?" The man yelled in frustration at Winter.

"Who the hell am I️? Who the hell are you?" She repeated sarcastically, not getting the whole point of curse words. The mans one visible eye widened upward as she felt strong arms lift her off the floor.

The man scoffed. "You got a lip to ya kid, you think you can just come into my building and sass me?" He looked over her head, "Will someone get this kid to medical to be cleaned up...a-and run a D.N.A test. I need it in my hands in the next twenty minutes...I️ wanna know who exactly this kid belongs to." The man barked at the security guards that had Winter locked at the arms.

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