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Winter had never been on a plane before today, it was the largest thing on wheels she had yet to see. It was long and shined a pretty white, there were windows lines along the sides. If she thought it was stunning from the outside, when she stepped in it was eye opening.

There weren't as many seats as she expected, but that didn't matter. The only people on this plane ride was Tony, Pepper, Happy, with a Co-Pilot and Pilot, along with herself. She only had one small backpack with her, and that got stuffed up above in a compartment.

"Sit wherever you like kid." Happy said monotonous.

Instinctively she waited until everyone was seated, they seemed to spread out. Tony was sitting across from Pepper who had numerous papers piled in her hands, a serious look to her that was equaled with Tony's bored one and to the far left Happy was seated looking at his laptop.

She figured since Pepper and Tony were sat together that Happy might like some company.
Winter was met with a dull look from the man when she sat down right next to him, shoulders touching.

"Really?" Happy asked sarcastically, but in a serious way? Winter wasn't sure so she shrugged.

"I couldn't have sat, anywhere else. You had to sit right next to me." Happy's lips formed a thing line, his brown eyes holding back a roll.

"Well yeah...I've never been on a plane before, I don't know how it works. Oh! Maybe you could tell me all about them, that'd be nice." Winter suggested, kind of enjoying just how much she was annoying the man. Well, that was new.

"Uh, there's a manual behind the seats. You can learn all about it from the other side of the plane-" Happy started bitterly before the Pilot cut him off over the speaker.

"Taking off in two minutes warning, please fasten your seatbelts we will be in the air momentarily." He said.

A smirk planted itself in Winters cheek, now she couldn't move anywhere and Happy couldn't either. So that meant she had someone to keep her company, someone to talk about planes with. It was exciting, the moment she felt the plane start to shift.

It turned first down the runway, and since Happy was closest to the window she leaned over him eagerly, her forehead smushed up against the glass. It was astonishing, how everything was gradually getting smaller the longer they flew.

It made her realize just how small the world actually is, and how she was only a small part in its function. After ten minutes of 'woah's Winter finally got off of Happy and rested back in her own seat.

It was fairly dark now, so all of the lights down below beamed like a beacon. There was so much that had been kept from her about the real world, and how much more she wanted to learn about it.

"Happy?" Winter asked after a few minutes of staring out the window, from her respectable place in her chair.

The man responded with a "Hm." His eyes not leaving the computer in his lap. He was definitely not interested in what the kid had to say, but because of who he is and his job for Tony he had to listen.

That and of course the teenager couldn't leave her seat. So that left him with the kid that had practically leaped over him and laid there just to see something as boring as some dumb city lights.

"Tell me about planes would ya?" She asked.

"No." Happy responded immediately. He just wanted to watch an episode of Friends in peace while they flew.

"Oh come on please..." Winter begged.

Happy stayed silent as she huffed and snatched the plane handbook from behind the seat in front of her. It was eixtravegnet, it showed pictures of the Pilots of the plane. Apparently she was in something called a Private Jet, one that Tony owned.

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