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"A sense of humor? That's new"

After going through surgery, Winter was sleeping while her bed had her in an up position. She was still asleep, and Tony was at her bedside holding her hand. Watching her breathing making sure it didn't stop, like most parents when they watch their newborn.

He took the peaceful yet stressful time to look at the photos he'd been given, each of them having Winter on the front. On the back saying little phrases of how Tony was a horrible father.

I hope you suffer, because you'll never get to experience your child growing up.

Tony sighed and rubbed his temple, putting the pictures away as Winter started to wake up.

"Hey punk," Tony joked softly.

Winter took in her surroundings, the warmth in her hand. Looking down she was met with Tony's concerned face. One that she hasn't seen before, not on anyone that she was close to.

"What's a punk?" Winter rose a drowsy eyebrow. Her other eye starting to close.

"Don't worry about it," Tony waved her off, and put his other hand on top of Winters. Clasping it in his.

"When I saw you, my heart stopped for a little," Winter tried to act like the people she's met, making jokes and acting funny.

Tony's eyes widened and he rose his eyebrows, looking at the girl who he's never seen wear a smile. Thinly smiling at him, he chuckled at the dark humor.

"That's my girl," he freed his hand, and went in for a high-five. To which Winter just stared at, like he was crazy.

Awkwardly he slid his hand back down to his pocket, and coughing to break the silence.

"What do you say we get you home, ah?" Tony stood up ready to get a nurse, he didn't trust anybody not after last night. He had enough resources to have her taken care of at home.

"Home?" Winter questioned, as she squeezed his hand to stay.

"Home," he confirmed, letting her hand go as he got a nurse.

Back at the Stark Mansion Tony was watching the people he'd hired carefully to make sure they didn't hurt his daughter. Any sudden movement she'd make he'd recognize, and Tony would flip out. Winter made very few noises, she had a tolerance for pain.

Winter had been sat in her new room, all her physical supplies laid out across a the couch in the room. Consisting of a cane, for when she'd be able to start moving around. Which Winter didn't want to wait around for.

Setting her up with a thousand pillows, Tony went back to his basement. Working on his suits, model 43 being the one in the works. A new camera installed in his daughters room, this time. It was for security of her safety.

Winter just laid there, doing nothing.

For weeks Winter was put on strict bed rest, and for the first time in what seemed like forever she was able to start using her cane. To walk properly again, it would be less recovery time for her leg. Her ribs would still ache for longer. Nothing that hadn't happened before.

A ring at the door got Winter to her feet, she grabbed her cane and power walked faster than she should've to the front door. Assuming Tony didn't care to come from his garage, Winter opened the door.

She was faced by a nerd-like boy, one with deep brown hair and entrancing eyes. A handsome shade of brown, with black glasses resting on his nose. He was staring at the floor until his eyes met with Winters, a rosy color flushing to his cheeks as he got nervous. He was expecting Mr. Stark, not his beautiful daughter.

"Um hi," The boy waved, holding up a tool box.

"Hello," Winter replied, leaning against her cane for support as she eyed the boy. He was extremely handsome, and she felt herself attracted to him.

"I have some tools for Mr. Stark, I'm his friend James' son, I'm Max," Awkwardly Max reached out for Winters hand trying to be polite and gentlemen like.

Winter store confusingly at the boy, realizing that it was a greeting to shake hands. She made an effort and grabbed his hand, feeling a weird tingle dancing up her arm. A thin smile went to her chapped lips.

"I'm Winter," She introduced herself. Stalling to see the boy in her vision for longer, she didn't know why but she felt a weird feeling for him. One she'd have to ask Tony or Pepper about.

"Sir, Max is here with your tools," J.A.R.V.I.S alerted Tony minutes after Winter had already opened the door.

"Tell him I'll be right up," Tony sounded away from his words, saying them just to speak. His work was more important than it had even been before, he just didn't know why he was so keen on building them. He just knew he had to.

"The boy has already been let in, sir..." the robot trailed off, leaving confusion to set in Tony's mind.

"By who?" Tony stopped his work and waited for the cameras to come up on his screens.

"It seems Ms. Winter has made a new friend," J.A.R.V.I.S replied.

Tony gasped and held his heart, rushing up to see the boy who was trying to flirt with his daughter. Tony would know, the boy has the look they all do. The one of interest, one that he wanted to shelter Winter from. It was too late by the time he got to the door, he stepped in between them and took his tools. Pushing Max out of the door way, shutting it as Max tried to wave goodbye to Winter.

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