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"What do you think they are talking about?" Tony asks, arms folded safely across his chest

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"What do you think they are talking about?" Tony asks, arms folded safely across his chest.

"Not sure, could be anything." Bruce responds softy.

Doctor Strange had used his magic to portal his way right into the Tower as soon as Bruce told the man that Winter was asking for him. It was...as his name goes, strange. The two now were talking in the hospital room, Tony and Bruce were out in the hall, Tony mostly watching his daughter and the wizard, and Bruce leaning against the wall listening. Pepper had left to go get Morgan, they were going to introduce Winter to him soon.

Tony watches Winter point towards her chest, and Doctor Strange nods with that intent listeners face, a slight crease in the brows but overall calm and patient.

"It's probably the stone." Tony says.

"Would not be surprised if it wasn't." Bruce says.

"I just want to know what happened there." Tony sighs.

He watches Winter circle Strange until she's sitting on the hospital bed, her eyes downcast and her shoulders hunched, face twitching. Strange had begun talking it was obvious. He walked with confidence and large strides.

Tony hates that he put sound proof glass in these rooms.

"You will know, in time." Bruce says.

Tony scoffs, unfolding his arms and flailing them, "I've given enough time to this damn stone, don't you think? Spent so long learning and trying to find them."

"Hey," Bruce pushes off the wall and goes to Tony and puts a hand on his shoulder, the tenseness in his shoulders that Tony hadn't even realized was there was gone at the grounding touch, "When they are ready they will fill you in. They're just sensitive right now."

"Yeah..." Tony sighs, he knows that, he just has a hard time not understanding something without all of the information because then his head tried to fill it in for him and it fills it with negative and horrible scenarios that get over exaggerated, and he just needs to know that everyone will be okay.

"I just want to know what is so important that we had to leave the room." Tony feels a small glare grow on him as he watches Winter and Strange talk in the room.

"I don't know what to do." Winter sighs, taking a stand again, the leg was irritating but she could not just sit in that bed. Whenever she spoke her body just sort of takes over and moves around.

"There is not much we can do at this point, if what you say is true." Strange replies, and he takes his turn sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with a heavy sigh.

Winter nods, a shaky breath escaping her, she walks over to the window and pauses, and then opens the blinds to be greeted by New York's night lights. It was so beautifully dark that she wanted to cry. Night time was something she had missed very much.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now