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"Huah!" Winter gasps, and reaches for anything to hold on to, she takes a grasp around a piece of loose metal.

She heaves in air conditioned air, it flushes her entire suit covered body. Looking for Peter she finds him standing up, his feet sticking to the ground, he's in a new suit.

Winter remembers taking off the mask earlier, there has to be something regulating the air shes breathing. Tentatively she slaps around her face, it feels like metal.

"What's on my face!" She yells.

"Nanotech, kids."

Winter looks over and sees the Iron Man suit flying next to them.

"Time to go home."

Then a parachute begins to bring them both back down to earth, Peters still holding on, he grabs her hand and together they heave into the flying circle.

"This is probably a bad idea." He huffs out, body still sticking to the wall.

Winter breathes, "Probably."

They walk through a mess of halls, this giant circle was more advanced than it looked. It was foreign, and they couldn't recognize any of the tech inside of it. Everything was just so...different.

Taking in new things usually washed over Winter in an overwhelming wave, and when she finally adjusts and accepts it into her reality the tide calms down. Right now it's a giant tsunami flooding her mind, splashing and crashing on the inside of her brain.

"Hey, you with me?" Peter takes a hold of her shoulder and shakes lightly, and by his tone he must've asked her a question and realized she wasn't listening.

Winter puts her hand over his arm, giving it a squeeze, "Yeah I'm with you. What're we going to do now?"

Peter retracts his hand, "Well," He looks down and that's when she realizes they're up on a ledge with three more below them.

One where she can easily recognize her Dad standing, pacing more like it, with his helmet gone leaving his head exposed but his body completely protected by a new mark of Iron Man. Below him was another man, he was floating with countless amounts of sticks? Getting dangerously close to his face.

"What should we do?" Winter asks.

It seems like her father was asking himself the same question down below where he was getting frisked by a flying blanket.

"Uh...I guess we should reveal ourselves?" Peter says, his mask crawled back up his face and so did hers.

"Alright." Winter nods, and jumps down alongside Peter, startling her Dad in the process.

Winters too busy still looking around her new surroundings to see her Dads wide eyes come closer as he takes long strides to meet the kids.

"What are you two doing here?" He asks.

Peter replies for them, "We just wanted to come help! It was a long way down, and you know I have sticky fingers so we just clung on. And now we're here. So yeah."

It was getting excessively colder in this place. The space was large, but it felt suffocating to know that it was going up into space and far away from the earth that Winter is the most familiar with. Taking her away from home. From everything she knew.

A spot on her neck was burning, she tries to rid of it by rubbing it, it's happened before. It's from when Obadiah stuck her with that needle long ago. It still hurt sometimes. The shakiness in her hands seemed to vanish completely, it hadn't happened and until now Winter never felt them shake until there was one pressed against her neck.

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