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"You go up I go down!" Peter shouted, and then leapt up into the air to land a kick on their antagonist, who'd been deemed as Thanos, without warning, giving her no chance to say anything.

Winter ran over and kicked at Thanos' knees, before falling into Doctor Stranges strategically helpful portals that'd pop her out somewhere else that'd be useful. It gave her stomach hell, but she got used to the feeling of adrenaline to cover that up.

"Magic with a kick!" Peter said, giving Thanos a kick in the face.

Only the next time he went, he wasn't so lucky and Thanos grabbed him by the throat and squished him to the floor.

"Insect." He sneered, and then threw Peter over to land in the rocks.

"Hey! That's my insect." Winter quipped and then kicked Thanos in the stomach, jumping off of him to land a backflip.

There was no hesitation before she went to strike again, she landed good punches in the stomach, blocking all of Thanos' attacks. As Winter went to punch his face, he grabbed her by the fist and lifted her up, locking her in place, leaving her to squirm and hold onto her own hand in pain, trying to keep herself from breaking anything.

He brought them to eye level.

Winter thought that this was going to be it. That this was her going to die, she accepted it.

"Do it." Winter grunted, trying to adjust her arm, feet flailing trying to just find some ground to put them on. "If you're going to do something, then do it."

Thanos' grip turned crushing, causing Winter to cry out and pull weaker.

"You remind me of my little one. So...ambitious. Yet, still unknowledgeable." Thanos said, head tilting and eyes pinching.

Winter heard her fingers cracking before she could feel it, the suit was doing its best to protect her but it was not enough. Not up against someone as big and strong as Thanos was.

Thanos' other hand came up too quick to comprehend, and wrapped around her stomach. He held her like a toy doll, not a care of how his actions would hold consequences against her.

Winter could feel herself growing light headed, her head began to wobble. Still she struggled, even though weak against his hold, pushing her best to get him off. It reminded her of how Obadiah almost killed her, how he'd held on, and let go. Then there was the falling.

T-The falling.

The overwhelming feeling of helplessness as her vision started to spot out.

She tried again. The pushing. The struggling. The...the...anything. Until Winter was too weak to see straight.

"I admire your soul. I hope one day you'll understand its importance." Thanos whispered.

Then he threw her.

Then someone caught her, and they rolled, she winced until they stopped.

"I got you, I've always got you."

Winter could see clear enough to know that that was Peter talking. He was still holding onto her with them being stopped again, and this time Winter didn't let him go. She wrapped her arms as firmly as she could around his neck, wincing with each breath.

Just wanting that sense of safety to return.

Everything came in small parts. She kept blacking out. Only did full consciousness return when her eyes opened and Winter saw Tony get stabbed.

"Oh my God." Peter whispered, choked up.

Thanos was towering over Tony, telling him something. Then he raised his gauntlet and all the colors turned on.

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