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"A boy? you couldn't possibly like one."

Over the course of the week Winter found herself not needing any help from the cane, walking was back to normal as well as her breathing. At night she still struggled.

Tony had done his best to be around her during the time, but his Shop became his main interest. Not that she minded, she was used to being alone.

It was this evening that stood out particularly. The house had an odd chill to it. The guardians were gone out to a business party, off drinking, still hiding away the new comer to the family. Winter was sat in the living room, holding a plastic remote out at the television, pressing the arrow and flipping through stations.

The only noise radiating throughout the enormous household was the steady scratching of the t.v.

A noise. A faint crash came from the shop, Tony's shop. It was barely audible, Winter had training in heightened senses so she caught onto it.

Finding the power button on the remote she turned the channel off and muted it.

It crashed again. Louder, the first thought that came to mind was to arm herself with a weapon, Winter chose a kitchen knife.

Steadily and stealthily she walked down the steps, the door being locked in by a key code. It wasn't hard to open it since the numbers were all smeared. Tony Stark may have been a genius, but he certainly wasn't smart at times.

The lights hesitated to flicker on. She found a hiding spot and waited for the sound again, to identify if it was human or mechanical.

She didn't dare to speak out.

The sound beamed passed her, temporarily impairing her hearing and sending her tumbling onto her back.

"Agh, hello?" She gripped her head and found it to be bleeding.

"Stark Industries at your service!" The voice kept repeating, a robotic one.

Over and over the voice got louder each time it screeched.

It was when Winter was finally able to regain her vision from a blur that she saw a head suit piece flying towards hers.

Quickly she ducked and it crashed into a nearby wall, sending pieces to the floor.

Winter scrambled but remained calm, no longer finding a use for the knife she crawled away and tried hiding again. Finding a spot to hide in she wasn't lucky when the Face Mask slammed against the front of her face, sending her backwards and onto the floor once more. Knocking the wind from her lungs.

Panic set in when she couldn't see anything. Nothing ever happened like this in her training, it was always hand to hand, never armor or robots.

She tried and begged and commanded the mask be removed but the robot voice replied with, "You do not have authority to give this command."

Anxiety crept back in when she realized she couldn't get up off the floor nor remove the heavy metal mask. She kicked and flailed and hyperventilated. But the mask was far too heavy to be lifted off the ground without proper command.

So she passed out from exhaustion and frustration and an anxiety attack. Sending her into a frenzy of a sleep, not knowing when her father would return.

Worth A Million⇝Tony Starks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now