Book 2

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P.S I'm keeping JARVIS alive, and the Avengers all live together in the Tower.

"You never know where the road will take you."

"Well, mine takes me back to my house, how about yours?" Winter gleamed.

"Winter, that was just a saying." Amy the therapist said.

"Oh yeah, I knew that. I was just kidding." Winter responded.

Amy smiled, "I know you're getting better with those, it just takes time, and I'm proud of you for how much progress we've made here over the year."

"Cap has been helping me with getting up to date on those sayings, and I'm proud too." Winter said.

"And how is that going? With the Captain, what does your father think about it?" Amy asked, her kind eyes smiling.

Winter chuckled, "He says that Caps not exactly the best person to be learning from, but I think it's better than learning from Peter, he talks really fast."

Amy's watch beeped. "I guess that's our hour, Winter. I take it I'll be seeing you again next week?"

"Yeah, you will." Winter shook the lady's hand and left the building, Happy was waiting to pick her up.

Happy brightened and sped them back home.

The Tower is where they'd been staying for the past year now, with all Avengers included. Winter got along best with Clint and Cap back there, they all stayed in rooms on the communal floor except for herself, Tony, and the occasional Pepper. Pepper had been distancing herself from them for a while, and while it sucked Winter found that she enjoyed spending time with her father far more.

Barely stepping two steps onto the communal floor Peters upside down face faced her, hair disheveled and not defying gravity as he hung from the ceiling.

"Hey Winter, you wanna spar with me? I'm super bored and I thought you might like to, but that's totally okay if you don't want to." Peter asked, one hand sticking to the wall as the other released it's hold and put him back in an upright stance, no longer on the ceiling.

"I'd like to, do you think you can beat me this time or no?" Winter teased.

"I think I have about a good 40, 60, chance this time, I've been training with Natasha all morning. She's been showing me all her moves." He said.

It was normal for the two teens to go around talking, they were closest in age and bonded really well after Winter got released from the hospital and Peter revealed his identity to the Avengers. He stayed on weekends when his Aunt May was busy with work, and sometimes on weekdays when he worked with her Dad on upgrades to his suit.

"Natasha does have some good moves." Winter commented.

"I'd love to show them to you." Peter smiled.

"Your moves, or Natasha's?" Winter poked him.

"I–my moves? I think..."

"Alright Spider-Man, I should change and I don't think I need an audience, I'll meet you down there in five minutes?"

Peters face nurtured a bright red, and his eyes darted all over the place wide and blinking.

"Y-Yeah! I'll see you down there Winter!" Then he ran off and thanks to his enhanced ability it took him seconds.

Winter shrugged.

Guess Dad was right, Peter did get embarrassed easily.

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