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Obadiah had made a makeshift 'Ironman' suit and was now firing merciless blasts at every and anything.

"Stay in the car." Was the first thing Tony said to her.

Instantly she opposed, "No, I can help! I-I can distract him." Winter stated, watching her father grab a brief case from the back seat.

"Don't argue with me, it's not safe. Stay put." He said, grabbing at door handle and getting out.

Winter listened, and watched a full real Ironman suit come out of it and attach itself to Tony's body. The last thing being his face, he gave a reassuring smile before the faceplate dropped and he took off.

There were too many people screaming and running the opposite direction of the commotion and havoc Obadiah was causing, they were trampling over each other and it was not good.

Winter kept her word and stayed put inside the car for all of five minutes before getting out, people rammed into her shoulders as they went past. Wind flew past harsh, and full of debris from a crumbling building.

It was impossible to miss. The building must've been an old fashioned apartment complex, it was painted red but that was peeling off. Oh and the fact that there was a large hole in the center burning it was also, another unnoticeable feature.

Instinct took over, or that's what Winter wanted it to be. Anything was better than being scared of the situation. Obadiah was back, and Tony was fighting him. The moment she saw a little girl screaming from a window on the top floor she ran directly inside.

If she couldn't help Tony fight Obadiah, she was at least going to do something to help. And if that meant disobeying her father's order to save a kid, then, yeah, she was going to do that.

Immediately the air filled with smoke and rose a coughing fit from Winter, the air burned her lungs, but she set that aside for the moment.

The stairs. Find the stairs.

The crumbling building was hard to walk through, debris were falling through the ceiling, minutes passed until Winter finally saw the sign that read, stairs, with a ridiculous looking figure pictured going up them.

Shaking her head Winter rushed through the door, judging from looking up them there had to at least be six floors to this smaller building. And if she was having trouble breathing on floor one, then that little girl was definitely having difficulties as well.

Then the girl screamed. She screamed. Bloody murder.

That sent Winter running up the flights faster than she would remember later, she went into over drive, pushing her hardest up. Her legs burned all the way up to her throat, it got harder to breathe.

The fight outside was excruciatingly loud, and concerning as each bang let out a series of screams from the bunch outside.

Then, she made it. The little girl was coughing at the window, crouched and hugging her knees now. There was soot all over her face, caking her in black. A tiny bear was in her arms, it reminded Winter all too much of herself.

"Hey, hey it's alright I'm here to help you." Winter reached out her hand, tentatively speaking to the young girl.

The girl flinched as flames crackled in the building.

The ground was becoming more and more unstable as the fight outside got more heated. By the quick glance outside Winter could tell that Natasha along with Clint were on the ground, doing their best to help Tony out.

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